"A sand planet?"
"Well it had a big desert."
"Hmm" [b][i]"How does a desert planet get air..."[/i][/b]
"That's a good question."
[b][i]"Some type of magic perhaps"[/i][/b]
"Or microbes?"
[b][i]"Could be"[/i][/b]
"I don't know." He sighs.
[b][i]"Makes me think about the new Star Wars..."[/i][/b]
[spoiler]Meta is real lol[/spoiler] "What is that?"
[b][i]"Something from back home"[/i][/b]
[i]He just stays silent[/i]
"I gotta go check on the wife and kids. Nice meeting you." He leaves. [spoiler]End.[/spoiler]