originally posted in:The Roleplay League
" Agreed, lets go in quiet and slow. Watch for anything, Garuud makes his descent into the main building and spies the open door to Rasputins bunker.
[i]Lucent chuckles[/i] "Not eveyone likes it nice and slow garuud, some people prefer to go right in" [i]Mist makes an annoyed sigh at the obvious Inudendo[/i]
" other people like to be smothered in honey like a hungry bear. No judgments "
[i]Mist groans annoyed[/i] "You boys have anything better to dicuss?" [i]Lucent chuckles[/i] "He's got a point tho, Some people like that and some people also like feet"
"It's true! " Garuud says as he goes down the path that was now filled with taken "goo" "well that's not good"Garuud said while looking at the goo
[i]Mist sighs[/i] "I don't know why I hang around you" [i]Lucent looks at the goo[/i] "Taken? Wonderful you know being thrown 21 years into the future the taken became obsolete just like crota and Atheon."
"Really? Whats the big enemy in the future, it always seems like there is another enemy around the next corner." Garuud says as he reaches the door into the massive beginning area of Rasputin's bunker.
[i]Lucent nods[/i] "Yeah eveything becomes obsolete in the future for some reason that's how it goes. You get somthing you like and a year later it's useless so you have to change"
"That's deep, it says a lot about the world we are in." (Childish voice) "he he deep" Garuud laughed and opened the door and spied a room full of taken and the hive wizard they were hunting.
[i]Lucent Nudges garuud[/i] "It only goes so deep and deeper and It might hurt" [i]Mist let's out another annoyed groan[/i] "Can you two morons Just get your target"
"Yo Wiley, this is going to hurt!" Garuud jumped up and fired a rocket into the group sending some flying back and others distintigrated instantly. The remaining taken moved around the wizard at its call.
[i]Lucent jumps into the air and activates his golden fun and fires 4 shots at 4 takes, when the shots connect they explode killing any other r taken around them[/i]
"Nice shot! " Garuud yells. Then looks at the wizard. "Just you and us" that was when the wizard shrieked and began summoning thrall after thrall.
[i]Lucent switches to Blade dancer electricity flowing around him and the ground[/i] "I'll worry about the thrall you worry about the wizard"
Garuud laughed and activated his hammer. " hammer nice day!" Garuud threw his hammer and hit the wizard taking his shield down. And a good portion of its health, it then slowly floated down... Low on health where Garuud was waiting with iron manacles which he welded together
[i]Lucent is instantly in the actin cutting through the constant spawn of thrall like butter[/i]
Garuud chuckled " looks like we are in business! Garuud said as he began to drag the wizard away
[i]Lucent Finishes and Follows after him pitting his arc blade away[/i]