Without suicides, the average k/d of everyone is [i]exactly[/i] 1.0 because every time someone dies, someone gets a kill.
So factoring suicide puts it under 1.0 because there are deaths of players without a kill for another.
Edited by OPC P1nc: 1/14/2016 3:19:37 PMLOL here is thought If I kill 8 people and die NONE what is my K/D If I kill 8 people and die ONCE what is my K/D :-) There you go Answer : both 1 ! So even Averag K/D is not exactly 1 since some players never died ;-)
Edited by Nate: 1/14/2016 3:59:30 PMSee I'm not talking about one person. Overall average of [i]everybody[/i] (not counting suicides) is 1.0 trust me
Why should I trust you ???? I dont ! And Im sure 1 person can be found who never died, therefor your thesis has to be wrong... But lets not waste more time on inferior minds ... bye
That isn't how average kdr works. That's global kdr. There's a big difference.
This. It's pretty hilarious when someone is so adamant about being right to the point where they don't listen at all. I can't tell you how many people in this community have gotten this wrong. Also, his username either really fits or means he is trolling... Can't tell which... Lol
[quote]Without suicides, the average k/d of everyone is [i]exactly[/i] 1.0 because every time someone dies, someone gets a kill. So factoring suicide puts it under 1.0 because there are deaths of players without a kill for another.[/quote]
Do you even math?
Do you? He's correct.
He isn't. Adding up every players kills and deaths and then finding the kdr of that number is known as global kdr. Not average kdr. Average kdr is the average of each player's k/d ratios. So if we 1v1 each other and I get a 2.0 and you get a 0.5, the average kdr is 1.25 and the global kdr is of course 1.0.
It's not. You don't take the average player kd by dividing the total amount of kills by the deaths of the whole community. The average player kd is all player kds summed and divided by the amount of players. It's also known as arithmetic average or mean. Did you not learn this is in school?
If you want to compare educations, we can go there. Two guys kill each other once, but the second one falls off a cliff. Game over. One has a kd of 1.0 and the other has a kd of 0.5. What's their average kd? 0.75. I can't simplify it any further for you.
And aren't we on the same team?
Edited by Hork3r: 1/14/2016 2:20:53 PMI made this for another comment but it doesn't matter. Rumble match. Player 1: 25 kills, 10 death. 2.5 kd Player 2: 15 kills: 3 deaths: 5.0 kd Player 3: 10 kills: 8 deaths: 1.25 kd Player 4: 5 kills: 10 deaths: 0.5 kd Player 5: 2 kills: 20 deaths: 0.1 kd Player 6: 0 kills: 6 deaths: 0 kd Average: ( 2,5 + 5,0 + 1,25 + 0,5 + 0,1 + 0 ) ÷ 6 [i]players[/i] =1,56 You don't get the average player kd by summing up all kills and deaths in the community and dividing them. Just just a kd ratio for the whole community. Not an average.
ROFLMAO ... You have to WEIGH an average ... (25+15+10+5+2+0 ) / (10+3+8+10+20+6) = 57 / 57 = 1 ! Pffffff go back to school !
[spoiler]A cool graphic for people like you.[/spoiler]
LOL Im not going to debate stupdity like yours... there is no cure for it
Are you just trolling or are you actually that stupid?
lol ;-) Narrow minded stupid little kid ;-) I go for option C ;-) FU
Trust me I am correct. Calc 1 here
Edited by Sixclicks: 1/14/2016 3:16:02 PMAnd I've taken Calc 4 (Multivariate Calculus) in college, what's your point? Your number is still wrong. That's global kdr. Not average kdr.
That's what he saying