Tried getting in a full raid before work. I had about two and a half hours, and joined a fireteam that was all 317+. Everyone in the group had a working mic, sounded adult, and acted mature. As we started the raid, there was no talk of who's doing this or are we using that strategy. Always a good sign.
We get to totems with minimum effort and zero setbacks. As we get to the totems, it happens. The fireteam leader asks if we know the totems cheese. Everyone says yes, and agrees its faster and easier. I stay silent, unsure of how to react. I've heard of the cheese before, and know how to do it in concept. Before today, I had the same opinion of this cheese as I did the no-knight strat; if it gets the job done, and without too much hassle, I don't care.
However, after a full hour on totems we had no success. Most of the fireteam at this point agreed we should just do the normal strategy, but the fireteam leader was adamant. He claimed if we did the normal strat, we would wipe more and take longer. Considering he was the one that died EVERY TIME, I had enough. For the first time in months, I rage quit a raid. Never again will I suffer through the totems cheese. If you insist on it, I'm just going to grab the cp and leave. The warpriest will NOT deem you worthy.
Tl;Dr Kings Fall totems cheese is for noobs who can't do the easiest reward stage of the raid.
Edited by Roman: 1/14/2016 9:10:24 AMsame shit my friends invited me to Hard Raid and wanted to cheese totems, without explaining how to do it then they explained how to do it, and it still didn't help anything, closest we got was 80% finally I asked why don't we just do it the "normal" way and they said it was easier this way I told them - you realize we already sat for 1 full hour just at totems trying your "strat", while we would have been at Golgoroth already had we done it the normal way they said if we tried normal way we'd wipe even more ... half of them were 310+ and 4 of us were right about 310 I just left and said if I can't even get people on my friends list to play legit anymore, I can't get j to a regular Raid group - and obviously cheering is becoming so popular again - then I have no interest in this Raid/game anymore Bungie is giving away high light items - weapons and gear - you just have to participate in activity and get carried everywhere - be it Raid or end game PvP - you no longer "earn" anything - everything is just a "participation trophy" Bungie ignores community and suggestions/questions/complaints eventually they will fix stuff and all you people are going to be so happy, when shit that's been happening in this game for last 3 weeks should have NEVER happened in a Tripple A title from a developer like Bungie and Activision, not for as long as it's been going on I've defended this game through everything hanging on to a sliver of hope, just can't do it anymore, I've leveled and re-leveled and grinded and solo'd and have over 3500 hours played, and this is it -blam!- that I have no interest in developer and a product that remotes this kind of activity