"It was. None of it could have ever happened if I was, I dunno, in possession of more intelligence than a mid-sized brick..."
"Don't blame yourself. It really isnt your fault"
"I know what I've done.. And I won't forgive myself for it... Evah."
"You didn't kill them." [b]She hugs him again[/b]
"I didn't save them"
"You coyldn't save them. If you could you would have done it."
"I could have.... And I tried... and failed"
"You tried, it was possible to save her you would have done so"
"... It was possible, I'm just... Incompetent.."
[b]She hugs him again[/b] "I'm sure you did all you could."
"And That wasn't good enough"
"Just believe me, it's not your fault. not at all"
[b]he cries.. Crying intensely, yet not sobbing or even speaking[/b]
[b]She doesnt say anything, she just hugs him[/b]
[b]he scrambles for a gun to shoot himself with[/b]
[b]He sees scarletts pistol laying on the ground[/b] "What are you doing?"
[b]he runs for the gun, and jams it into his temple, he cries a bit harder, still silent[/b]
[b]She kicks the gun out of his hands[/b] "NO!"
"BECAUSE YOURE MY -blam!-ING FRIEND!" [b]she starts crying and hugs him again[/b]
[b]his tears come more quickly and in much greater quantity. He drops the gun [/b] "I.... I'm sorry...."
"I-its ok, you didnt do it....."
"I... I'm so sorry, none of this would have happened if I wasn't here.." [b]he backs away slowly, still crying[/b]