If you want to compare educations, we can go there.
Two guys kill each other once, but the second one falls off a cliff. Game over. One has a kd of 1.0 and the other has a kd of 0.5.
What's their average kd? 0.75. I can't simplify it any further for you.
And aren't we on the same team?
Edited by Hork3r: 1/14/2016 2:20:53 PMI made this for another comment but it doesn't matter. Rumble match. Player 1: 25 kills, 10 death. 2.5 kd Player 2: 15 kills: 3 deaths: 5.0 kd Player 3: 10 kills: 8 deaths: 1.25 kd Player 4: 5 kills: 10 deaths: 0.5 kd Player 5: 2 kills: 20 deaths: 0.1 kd Player 6: 0 kills: 6 deaths: 0 kd Average: ( 2,5 + 5,0 + 1,25 + 0,5 + 0,1 + 0 ) ÷ 6 [i]players[/i] =1,56 You don't get the average player kd by summing up all kills and deaths in the community and dividing them. Just just a kd ratio for the whole community. Not an average.
ROFLMAO ... You have to WEIGH an average ... (25+15+10+5+2+0 ) / (10+3+8+10+20+6) = 57 / 57 = 1 ! Pffffff go back to school !
[spoiler]A cool graphic for people like you.[/spoiler]
LOL Im not going to debate stupdity like yours... there is no cure for it
Are you just trolling or are you actually that stupid?
lol ;-) Narrow minded stupid little kid ;-) I go for option C ;-) FU