Destiny has faltered and so has my hope in Bungie's ability to fix this slowly sinking ship
To me, it really does parallel the sinking of the Titanic. "The unsinkable ship." Overconfident Captain (under pressure from financiers). Insert iceberg. Ship takes on water; nobody is quite sure what's going on. Some worry, but most go on with their routines. Ship takes on water. Only some notice. Ship takes on more water, more rapidly. Captain is unsure what is happening; instructs his crew to assure people all is well. Panic sets-in. Ship breaks in half, and finally sinks rather quickly. "The unsinkable ship" lays forever at the bottom of the ocean, a testament to impermanence. And no, I do not mean the current sinking of this game is emotionally equivalent to very real tragedy of the Titanic. Only that I see a parallel process here.
that's the parallel i see also