Retard really that's ur ur pathetic. U still complaining at people using them yet are using them. U should look up the word contradiction.
Yeah you didn't read my post thoroughly.
Didnt feel like reading a essay of complaints
Had you, you would have realized how stupid your comments are. Lol. That's called being ignorant, commenting when you're uninformed. Gotcha
Funny thing is trials isn't til tomorrow yet ur still using scrub lol
Edited by The Swza: 1/14/2016 6:08:30 PMHaven't played all week except a raid with my hunter. Any other theories?
All I see is excuses with a bit mouth behind it
You keep trying to get to me and failing. What do you want? Lol Also. "Bit mouth"?
If u read ur essay u might comprehend that your complaining at people using guns that use yourself and telling people how they should use them. Gotcha u sound like a she my nerd wannabee. He used to complain about using thorn even when he used it