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originally posted in:Guardians Worldwide
1/14/2016 4:03:46 PM


Hey everyone! Thanks for having me! I just wanted to make a quick post wondering how strict the leaders/members are about availability? I'm a full time college student and part time worker, so I'm very limited to my time online (mainly weekends) I do my best to get on when I can, and when I do, I make the most of it. I hope this doesn't cause any complications with me being in the clan! Thank you, and have a great day ! Sykeadellic Ps: feel free to add me on xbox one GT is Sykeadellic

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  • No problem at all man. I am the founder of the clan and work full time but still play atleast 5 hours a day. No rush bro, when you do get some time feel free to send me an invite. Would be more than happy to play with you, glad to have you here.

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