I just dont raid cause people are assholes. Do I really need to get called retarded for messing up in the raid?
Don't get discouraged. I don't have a consistent group and this stopped me from KF for a while. Struggled with hard Oryx last night for over an hour then 2 people rage quit. The next 2 in were chill and mellow and we beat it first try. It's tough but just find some chill people and the raid goes so much better.
If you're on ps4 you can add me. I play with a group of adults that are very chill.
Is that you GT?
Or getting called retarded for party leader messign up and blaming you
This was happening yesterday. If you can find 1 or 2 people through lfg that are not tards, add them and try to make it a point of playing with them regularly. That's what I did, and have been playing with a good group of "mature" guys I meet over a year ago.