Res snipes ruin my trials kd :/
Otherwise I'm around 1.2 in every other game mode
Have your teammates push you when they revive you them
I play almost exclusively with forum randoms due to my work schedule. Needless to say, the skill levels vary :/ I've told someone to push, and they ran away mid res to rush them. When I asked what the hell they were doing, they came back with "[i]You're the dumbass that said to push!"[/i] *facepalm*
I feel you, it's not always the best playing with randoms. However if you add me we may be able to do a run or two this weekend and I think you will find me better than most of the randoms you get on the forums lol
Sounds good bro
If you want, I'm game too. I've been flawless and I'm not shit :D
Hit me up, I'll see when I can do it this weekend
I've played against you numerous times lol
I sent u a friend request, psn is same as above. I usually am on 8est am
Yeah, my team kept on reviving me in this one map. The opposing team got 17 kills on just me alone in one match because my team kept reviving me. It was hilarious. I think they didn't it on purpose to. What baffled me most is the fact the opposing team, never pushed. They just kept back and kept team sniping me.