When they announced the changes in the economy for patch 2.0 I said they'd be garbage, limiting us on what we can obtain and which events were relevant. Weekly heroics no longer viable as 27 strange coins have vanished and nightfall would become a tedious waste of time as rewards wouldn't be as awesome.....people said I was crazy and didn't know what I was talking about because I hadn't experienced it yet.
Announcements on the new level, light and infusion system were teased...I said it would take way to long, use up too many materials and burn through the marks that were being reduce to a sixth of what they were...again I was yelled out of the post.
Weapon part Nerf came next and again I knew it would suck.....more people telling me that it would be better because we'd be able to buy them...NOPE!
EVERYTHING IN 2.0....AND EVERYTHING HERE AFTER has been introduced for one soul purpose....INCREASING GRIND AND GAME TIME...I'm tired of saying it, Bungie is only concerned on how much they can say we play, that's it bottom line.
Now they know how many sheeple buy silver it won't get better...all they'll do is keep dangling that carrot, getting people to throw money at the screen.
Destiny 2 is going to be a backwards, spray painted and shiner version of what we've already seen if it sees light of day at all.
It's time to cut the cord people!
Pretty much everything you've posted mirrors my thoughts exactly and I tried telling my raid team (who I've been playing with for over a year) that TTK would bring a lot of grind back into the game but would be disguised in such a way as to make it not so obvious to players. I've given up playing, just no fun anymore. If enough people do the same, Activision shareholders will have alarm bells ringing wondering why they're cash cow is no longer mooing.
For sure...I can't stand the grind...I think that's why I like games like fallout so much. I can wander around, haven't done many quests but I've played for three days and am level 35, have 9 full sets of lower armor and a whole slew of sweet loot...destiny isn't that rewarding. The leveling system in house of wolves is how they should have left it. We could use anything we want and be Max light. No one looked the same. It felt so much better and it you got something you liked you just ascended it once and it was max level
hear hear.