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originally posted in: Europa RP
1/15/2016 2:26:38 AM
[b][i]From Legends to Myths[/i][/b] [b]It stared with a flash The sky above suddenly exploded with fire, as the Carrier plummeted towards the surface of the Calypse, making the ground shudder when it makes contact When the light fades, the sky is full of Carriers, of different sizes and armanent[/b] The hell is this! [b]That is all Phantom manages to get out before they bombard the Capitol, throwing everyone back As his vision cleared up, Drop-Ships descending and deploying troops, revealing the attackers.... The Dread had made one final Incursion, to take out the thorn in their side that had remained for so many decades This was all they had, every weapon, Dread, Ship they could muster[/b] No. Dammit. NO! [b]Phantom immediately charged, slashing through the Incursion with anger no one had seen before Looking up, one thing was clear to him... He would not leave the Empire to the Dread...[/b] [spoiler]Open.... Make your final Stand Epic.. or Escape[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Evelyn watched the fighting from afar. Ashley and Jacklyn appeared next to her in a bright flash of light. They didn't seem much older then when they were last seen[/b] [Jacklyn]"Time to go Evelyn. There's nothing we can do to help them now" [Evelyn]"yeah... Lets go" [b]the three of them disappear[/b]

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  • Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 1/16/2016 4:31:14 AM
    [b]The flash of Joshua's ship warping in is a bit of a surprise to the hoards of Dread, but they don't seem to care. They know they'll win this battle either way.[/b] [b]He had heard the chatter over Genesis Comms, and made his way there as quickly as possible. Unloading a few payloads into a cruiser, he punches a hole right through it, hurtling towards the planet surface. He crash on a legion of the beasts, crushing many of them as his ship slides through the mud.[/b] [b]He leaps out with a newfound rage and agility, slicing and dicing and piercing through everything that gets close enough. He slays captains, grunts, even a legion commander as their rounds wear on his shields and armor. He can't keep fighting like this. Not forever.[/b] [b]He draws The Ice Blade,[i]Audhulma[/i].[/b] "I've always hated blood magic..." [b]He holds the blade up to his arm and starts to slowly cut. The blade gains a glowing purple hue.[/b] "It always takes more than the agreed upon amount..." [b]He slashed horizontally, sending a blast of some sort of violent energy, cutting 20 of them in half.[/b] "Maybe this time, that's a good thing." [b]Almost an hour passes as he continues to draw from his life force, fighting as the Dread begin to circle him.[/b] [b]One especially large commander finally hits him with a melee attack, throwing him to the ground. Others surround him, kicking and slamming. He catches an attack, absorbing the kinetic energy and blasting back his foes for only a few moments. He stares at his blade.[/b] "You want more...?" [b]He looks at both arms, which are dripping blood and antimatter. His vision blurs.[/b] "t h e n t a k e i t ." [b]He holds the blade backwards, pointing the end towards his stomach.[/b] "[b]TAKE IT ALL![/b]" [b]He shoves the blade into his stomach, right as the Dread are upon him again. The very air around him glows blue and purple, as every Dread too close is frozen solid, as is Joshua. After a few moments of complete comparative silence, the ice begins to break off of the Dread and ground, flying back towards Joshua. It spins above him, forming massive spears, which seek out their enemies alone, with extreme prejudice. As the few legions that were battling him turn to flee, a massive, half mile long and tall, dark bubble seems to surround the area, all light is blocked out. The only sound is that of Dread flesh being torn. Dread still within cruisers stare at the massive anomaly from low orbit. Suddenly, the bubble blasts apart, into purple flares of energy so violent, it burns the eyes of the Dread. The energy goes everywhere, even destroying multiple Cruisers as it dissipates.[/b] [b]A calm, deep voice rings through the minds of the Dread who had even glimpsed the dark matter, energy, magic, or whatever it was, they surely weren't worried about it at the moment.[/b] "[b]L o n g L i v e T h e E m p i r e.[/b]"

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  • *Shadow stands alone, watching with a flat expression as she watches the Empire fall once more. Her cloak waves in the breeze of the disrupted atmosphere, a sombrero'd silhouette against the sky. As she feels the flow of time around her pass, she reaches down further, searching for the tapestry that is the Existence. Drawing from deep within herself, she reaches in and draws out into herself a Matrix, a building plan of the Existence. Looking up, she finally feels [i]something[/i] like a soul awaken within her. Squashing the feeling back down, a lopsided smirk forms on her face.* "And as Empires themselves fall, so does the people who build them." *Turning away, she rips the tapestry of Existence apart where she stood and left a mark, one that would last for the rest of Time. As she passes through the rupture, a quiet voice laughs as it holds a blueprint, a building plan within its hands.* [b]The Empire Shall Not Fall.[/b] [spoiler]Nasty Piece of work, ain't I?[/spoiler]

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  • "Well shit." Before he could react, Ryo was surrounded by Dread. He grabbed for his sword and got out of there, leading into a chase as he tried to get away from the enemy fire. Diving into cover, he prepared for a last stand. He shot back with his pistol, scoring a kill every once in a while. This kept going until one lucky shot ended in his shoulder, and knocked the gun out of his reach and out in the open. Sliding downwards behind the rubble that was his protection, Ryo pulled out a canteen, and a grenade. He took off his helmet and looked at the canteen. " Hey mom. I knew I said I would never drink but.... I figure this was an exception." As the canteen touched his lips, he pulled the pin on the grenade. The Dread closed in fast, but were too dedicated to finishing him off to get away from the blast. " I'll see you all in hell." The explosion took ten or so others with him, and Ryo was no more.

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  • [spoiler].....[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Something wrong?[/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Deceiver: 1/15/2016 11:14:21 PM
    Deciever watches events unfold "Ah. I [i]dread[/i]ed this day. Heh. Still got it." I press a button on my wrist and... Nothing. It was broken. I sigh "You idiot." Several Grunts notice me and move closer to attack I take out a hand made bottle "Thank god my rainy day fund still operates." I drink, and everything slows I smile serenely, and attack the grunts, effortlessly butchering them [i]Perhaps I should try for the escape ship again[/i] I spin, jamming an explosive knife into an ear, then flipping over a grunt, cutting it's head off [i]What would you do then? Return to your empire? You know almost nothing about leadership. Better to let Sheyen handle it.[/i] I slide, stabbing into a groin and come up spinning and throwing knives, but also getting a small cut [i]Looks like I'm going to die. What did my people say? Back to the mud. Atleast I'll see my family.[/i] I pause, having just finished the group of Grunts. Another is already coming for me. I smile [i]What, you? Heaven? You'll be lucky if you even get purgatory.[/i] I narrowly avoid a swing [i]Getting to be too many of them now.[/i] I stumble on rubble and catch three blades on Retribution, and throw explosive knives into their guts I turn, and two Grunts stab me, triumph in their eyes. I wink back and cut their throats, dislodging their weapons I lunge at a Grunt, but a blade flashes and my arm is severed at the elbow I stop and look at the stump Several swords immediately went through my body, appearing on the other side Then one of my legs is severed at the knee, and I fall onto my back The grunts move away, leaving a bloody corpse in their wake I chuckle, but quickly resort to a bloody coughing fit [i]My drinking arm to. Poor luck, that is. Ah well. Ah! A drink, a drink! That's what I need.[/i] I reach into my cloak and pull out one last bottle and sip from it [i]I wonder what happened to everyone else. Most likely they are sharing this experience. A shame, that.[/i] And then I hear a name whispered, almost inaudible [b][i]Caoran[/i][/b] I look right and see my wife and two kids and smile [i]This isn't real. They're dead. That brew is going to wear off soon.[/i] I shake the thoughts away, and reach to embrace them one last time As I reach them, suddenly they become covered in blood, staring at me accusingly. [i]"Why did you kill us?"[/i] [i]No. No. Let me have-[/i] I suddenly arc my back in pain, all of my cuts painfully clear I try to scream, but it only causes more pain. I whimper and silently cry, whispering the words 'I'm sorry' until I bled out.

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  • [spoiler]Awwww[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]That drunk has a heart o' gold, I tell ya.[/spoiler]

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  • [b]Johnny stands on a pile of dread, but he is shit in the back He stumbled back up, firing heavily [/b] [i]No, God please![/i] [b]He continues to fight, but soon his helmet is knocked off, he blasts the things head off He is shot in the chest again, and again And one last time he gets shot[/b] [i]Please god no.....[/i] "Screw you you coc-" [b]He cannot finish this statement of contempt, his head was crushed by a dread boot [/b] [b]Shots are fired by an unknown assailant The dread fall back, chasing more profitable prey The figure picks up the broken body of the vault Hunter and takes him away He buries him, and labeled the grave with the man's chaingun, the only mark of the fight......[/b]

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  • [spoiler]Damn....[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Old old char making a comeback soon[/spoiler]

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  • *Silver and Quickblast get inside Silver's fighter and take off, evading enemy fire on the way out "You are just going to run?"-Quickblast(from the co pilot seat) "There is nothing we can do. We must live to fight another day. Only then can we beat these things."-Silver(from pilot seat) [spoiler]Sorry, but I am going to escape.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Bruh....XD[/spoiler] [b]Phantom sees the fighter leave orbit, and shakes his head[/b] Good Luck.

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  • Edited by SilverPulse620: 1/15/2016 4:22:38 AM
    *on the way out, Silver is about to activate the FTL when Quickblast speaks "Those are your friends down there. Don't let this end like Alpha Group did. Please, give them a chance to escape."-Quickblast *after a little bit Silver turns the fighter around and flies back. He fires multiple missiles at the drop ships heading towards the surface, and sends multiple assault drones back to give support to the Cyprus team on the surface. After the fighter takes heavy damage from the Dread ships, Silver begins to activate the FTL "Remember this day, Silver, as the day you were a coward. I hope you are ashamed, and that you carry that shame to the grave."-Quickblast *he looks to Earth one last time, and activates the FTL, and headed back for Alliance space outside the system [spoiler]I will make sure your story is told, and never forgotten. [/spoiler]

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  • [b]A dropship explodes, the culprit, Johnny, firing his Chaingun and using his hard light sheild to block attacks[/b] [b]...But somewhere a drop pod, unmarked, stirs........ It's single hatch opens.....[/b]

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  • [b]A man goes for one final run across the buildings of the capital[/b]

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  • [b]Phantom sees him, and shakes his head[/b] Not this time, Friend. Maybe on the other side.

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  • Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/15/2016 2:59:26 AM
    [b]He stops. Then looks down on you.[/b] [i]"I'm already there."[/i] [b]He salutes you[/b] [i]"I'll be waiting. And you better be ready"[/i] [b]The figure disappears [/b]

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  • Edited by Bardo XCIX: 1/15/2016 3:15:00 AM
    [b]He smirks[/b] Whenever you are. [b]He salutes back[/b]

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  • [b]Fyn fights them off quite easily until a [/b] [i]Thunk[/i ][b]is heard. Fyn looks down and sees a small dart in his side injection an orange liquid. After that he immediately goes pale and charges directly toward the biggest thing he sees pulls two grenades out and pulls the pins.[/b] [i]Boom[/i] [b]Is heard and fyn and the beast are gone[/b]

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  • *pulls a cigarette out of a pocket and lights it* Well now this is quite a change in scenery

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