Everyone has a thing they do that sets them apart from everyone else. What do you do that is unique to you?
Me? Oh, I do plenty of things. People say walk I around like Michael Jackson. Ready to dance to Beat It at any time. (I actually can. Beat It, Thriller, and Ghost)
I also own 5 different black jackets. I'm actually wearing 2 of them right now. That's right. TWO! Who else does that?
I also have the greatest manner of speech ever. I speak to EVERYONE the same way. I don't respect anyone around me. I don't disrespect them. I just speak as though I don't give a damn what they think of me. Because I don't.
But yeah. My quirk is almost always wearing multiple black jackets and acting like a dense protagonist. What is yours?
I'm the greatest human being ever. I'm also a bit narcissistic. And proud of it.