Holding the sprint button makes the player sprint as fast until said player stops
- Runs twice as fast with sprint. If use correctly, you can outrun supers
- Movement abilites (Blink, Shadestep, LIFT, Double jump, etc..) recharge slightly faster and are more agile
- Sliding is extended and is faster
- Tighter turn radius, jumps are higher and have better control
- A weapon can not be used, and there is a second delay it takes for the weapon to ready (quickdraw doesn't reduce ready time)
- Not usable during super mode except Ward of Dawn and Arc Blade
- Not usable when invisble (except if it is obligatory, example the stealth mission)
- Can not do the "sprint rez" with Crest of Alpha Lupi or Light Beyond Nemesis
Take off the tighter turn one. You'll negate the perks on each of the new exotic boots when they get released