None, I can't find anything that comes close to me taking time away from destiny. I got Call of duty and fallout 4 for Christmas (didn't really care for CoD, but I got it a try. I was looking to try fallout 4, but really not what I thought and it's not for me.) and they are just not appealing to me. I have had far cry 4 as well for a few months, but have yet to play it either.
Dude try this out it might make you want to try just cause 3
Looks cool., but why did they make his head so big compared to his body? Is there a first person mode or is it just 3rd person with his big head? Haha, it's kinda funny looking, but the game looks cool.
Here watch this one it will explain it all its an Easter egg in the game called the big head gun
Oh ok. That's good. I would get annoyed if that's the whole time.
Lol yea that would be shit