What type of wall would you build to stop illegal immigration?
[spoiler]If you get the reference I luv u[/spoiler]
A wall made out of a small loan of a million dollars.
Let em in if they get rid of trump
How about A tiny wall, and I'm talking about [i]really[/i] tiny While they're distracted by the tiny wall, they won't notice the considerably smaller wall being built right before them They won't even notice
Edited by joibasta: 1/16/2016 4:12:13 AM[url=https://57.media.tumblr.com/e48c4c4d9411bbe7aa41797448c82a42/tumblr_n4xccpCt2g1s0f7m0o1_500.gif][/Step 1.] Collect immigrants and delete path [url=https://57.media.tumblr.com/ca80d73208334afc61f4dacabef99435/tumblr_n4xccpCt2g1s0f7m0o2_500.gif][/Step 2.] Watch as they struggle to live while their souls(balloons) leave the earth. [url=https://49.media.tumblr.com/19ad4fe27e7efecea70a929486fc0218/tumblr_n4xccpCt2g1s0f7m0o3_500.gif][/Step 3.] Hide the evidence at the bottom of the body of water. Edit: Step 4. Notice you screwed up on linking and just skip to step 3. Step 5. Repeat step 3 forever once you get to it.
>bush builds wall >still offers thousands of vistas Same with how businesses hire them to come then depot them before pay (free labor) It's like abortion. It's here to stay republicans only use it to get votes XD if a republican president really cared abortion could have been taken out long ago. Just another way to sap the idiot votes to their side
Go the 300 way, build the wall out of immigrants. Disclaimer: Controlled immigration of the skilled is good.
We wouldn't want them hacking us. I'm down with a firewall
> build wall > put guard post on U.S side > give them .50 cal snipers > wait until someone tries to climb over wall >???? > profit
I liek of the US of A. Go US of A.
Edited by CliffyWeevil29: 1/16/2016 12:31:50 AMI'd just like to point out that China has a wall and they don't have an issue with Mexican immigrants.
Is this a last airbender reference?
[spoiler]Is your reference by any chance to the Cape Coral Kia commercials? If it's not, then it still could be.[/spoiler]
Time machine to stop whites from coming to America.
Edited by A_rodEmpyre: 1/15/2016 9:50:35 PMA wall which is 10 miles long -Hundres of rooms -secret exit not to be found -top side has traps which is impossible -1 mile of lava if you escape which can't be that easy. [b][i][u]THERE IS NO ESCAPE[/u][/i][/b]
Edited by BACTERIA SOUR: 1/15/2016 11:41:33 PMThey're called illegal immigrants or aliens. I don't know what part of "illegal" people don't get? Edit: to clarify, I have zero issue with doing things the right way. HUUUUUUGE fire wall
Put the military on the border.
I is a TadPaul
Edited by majnum44: 1/15/2016 10:26:54 PMInstead of building a wall dig a ravine deep to the core of the earth then fill it with lava. Edit: also put anti air artillery.
Edited by Wingrider07: 1/15/2016 10:28:53 PMThe problem with all the walls, giant walls, HUUUUUGE walls, and fire walls is, ladders, giant ladders, HUUUUUGE ladders, and tunnels. I prefer a combined hands on/high tech approach. We do not have enough border guards. We should supplement them with military (call it training), drones, and vibration monitors (to detect tunneling).
Illegal immigration is bad. We should reform our policy so it's more accessible for those who want to enter the country to do so.
I just want to halt all immigration from shit countries for a while. If the US continues to let in people from countries like Mexico, south american countries, syria etc then the US will in turn become like Mexico, syria etc. I dont think we want that.
Brick up the eurotunnel