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Edited by DeusFever: 1/18/2016 8:53:19 PM

The Division and bullet sponges

Bullet sponges are better, real bullets are OP


Bullet sponges are a travesty in a shooting game


I don't like bullet sponges or shooting games


Sooo, new videos of The Division show a lot of bullet sponge enemies and marshmallow shooters. Some say this is good RPG mechanics because RPGs are won by managing stats and not shooting skills. Other say this is a travesty of an FPS and a black mark on the Tom Clancy name. Vote! Edit: The people have spoken, and forum goers do not like bullet sponges. I predict negative beta reactions are inbound. I also hope Bungie keeps this in mind as they develop "Destiny 2".

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  • Its not a shooter it is an RPG.

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  • The combat could use a crouch button and contextual cover on top of snap to cover. Right now the combat looks rather boring, I know it's an RPG but it can still have good combat ala mass effect. The story does look somewhat interesting don't get me wrong but id like the combat to complement it

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  • I don't mind it. Makes it more fun tbh

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  • I think the bullet sponge is justified as the game didn't throw 20-50 enemy at once

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    1 Reply
    • "I want real bullet mechanics in my RPG!" So. Everything dies in as few as 1 shot, no matter what level or what tier enemy it is? Well, I'm sorry, but this is an RPG, not "Call of Duty: Online Story Mode." Tough goddamn nuts. It's called a progression system, you moronic whiners. High level enemies have more health to keep the game from going stagnant. Bosses are bullet sponges because if they arent, where's the challenge in the fight?

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      3 Replies
      • For everyone that voted bullet sponges are a travesty answer me this, what's the point in finding better guns and gear if everything died in one shot regardless?

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        10 Replies
        • I don't understand how the realistic setting will work in this game. It just seems very boring. How are you gonna have minibosses & raid bosses? You gonna shoot a guy with a bullet proof vest for 20 mins? Maybe you'll have to shoot down a helicopter lmao

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          • Why is this being called an RPG? Sounds more like an Shooter with RPG elements, like Borderlands.

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            2 Replies
            • Skills, abilities and gear will be the deciding factors on wether or not the division will truly be successful. If they are not able to come up with creative and unique skills and items the game will become stale very quickly. I get the bullet sponge mechanics, it is trying to be a MMORPG Afterall. But just because it'll take a few magazines from a firearm to kill an enemy doesn't mean they can't introduce gear and skills that can take down enemies in one shot (or at least very few). So here's hoping there are some creative ppl left over at ubisoft...

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              • Anybody remember the first splinter cell?

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                5 Replies
                • Edited by RJ956: 1/25/2016 4:21:28 PM
                  They were not even that bad. A single magazine of an SMG at most on a normal enemy. They clearly had an armor system in place, which works for an RPG.

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                • They didn't look like bullet sponges to me. Coming out of games like Borderlands and Destiny, the damage they took seemed pretty standard.

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                • It ain't a god damn shooting game first it's an RPG first and a shooter second. Go play CSGO or R6 for realism.

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                • I'd prefer 5 challenging bullet sponge enemies over 25 weak one hit ones. For those that say it lacks realism, in reality you cannot accurately aim and land all hits while shooting a fully automatic weapon at a target 50 feet away. Think of the sponginess as all the bullets you'd actually miss.

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                • I don't believe bullet sponges have any place in a 3rd person cover-based shooter that I can only assume The Division will be (hence Tom Clancy's trademarks on the box). Games like Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six have always featured throngs of low-health enemies, rather than a few high-health enemies. It seems like a pretty boring idea, actually. Just sitting behind cover for 15 minutes taking potshots at some brute.

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                  4 Replies
                  • For a tom Clancy game, it's a travesty

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                    2 Replies
                    • People don't realize that your weapons are only a part of your dps. Meaning skills, gear and weapon bonuses (perks) can increase your damage. Might as well just release dlc for watch dogs that give it an rpg feel or you could not. The only real bullet sponges will be "boss" or names enemies. Played the alpha and easily killed random/normal enemies. People seem to think that every enemy is going to require 2-3 clips of AR and that is idiotic. Like destiny they want you to play with friends and in doing so normal missions will most likely be a cake walk. They have stated that there will be harder difficulty missions that will reward better loot (these are not raids).

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                    • Bias poll

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                    • It's a MMORPG Ex.) WoW,ESO,Neverwinter, Borderlands and destiny. There are many more. My advice:get good.

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                      3 Replies
                      • In a gaming era where kill time is .001, even in destiny, low tier minions are easy af to kill. As it should be, and it's ok, I like that. But it's a nice change of pace in my opinion, having them take a little more effort to kill, makes fights longer and a little more intense sometimes...

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                      • The time to kill in the division is suitable for it as it's an RPG. People don't flip out when it takes ages to kill a raider in fallout, so why here?

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                        34 Replies
                        • Edited by brieareos: 1/18/2016 9:08:09 PM
                          People just want everything done quick because everything has to be quick, time is precious for these people, they might burn their food. As for this game i'm not judging it until it actually comes out, not a beta, not an alpha, the game itself in it's completed form.

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                          5 Replies
                          • Division isn't an fps

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                          • It's an RPG with shooter mechanics. It's not meant to be realistic on that front.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Every enemy in destiny is a bullet sponge. So what does this say against destiny? Look at any strike/raid boss or even yellow bar enemies lol.

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                              • I don't really care

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