I would like to make a place for people to come together and recruit for old raids. I'm sure there are some collectors that need to add to their stash, some veteran guardians that wish to have fun in year one raids, or some newbies looking to experience those first raids. This is strictly for XB1.
[u][b][i]Please post rank/light level, character, and what raid you are looking for. [/i][/b][/u]
Hopefully, I will get to run through these with you myself soon
Lfg Atheon im 318 hunter doing no time to explain quest i have checkpoint at atheon xone
need 3 for vault
313 Titan looking for vault of glass
289 warlock and 263 Titan looking to complete any raids. Message ASYLUM Termin8r
need 4 for hard crota
Had a crew of randoms but all had to bail out one by one at the end of crota hard if peoplehave a crew and would like to just finish this run hit me up gt same as above
318 Titan looking to run crota hard quick Invite gt above
Looking for a group for HARD VOG. Send an invite
GT- DHG iSwagg LVL 31 -170 light. first time playing since rhe week after the first expansion. looking to get into any and all raids!
GT: DrStrangeFunk 298light Down for anything just send invite
Edited by Xurs Refund Policy: 3/17/2016 10:53:33 AMLooking to do any raid, lvl 40 +299 warlock GT: same as above just msge me if you want me
Xbox one. Fresh Crota normal. Need 4 Already have one noob raider.
Edited by CptChainsaw: 1/19/2016 2:17:30 AMTitan 297 light havent got to do any raids yet so if willing to help me out that would be awesome have mic as well ....xbone gt : Chainsaw00FU (thats two zeros) see ya out there guardians!
113 hunter looking to do vog invite me plz
309 Titan looking to run through VOG. GT same as above
Need 4 for crota.
Vault of glass hard have oracle checkpoint I'm appearing offline but just message Gt:FreelancerBravo
313 Titan looking to do Crota hard raid gt jdibbs6969
Edited by Wolfpeak: 1/19/2016 12:43:20 AM40/306/Warlock looking to do Crota Hard
need 4 msg gt above for inv, Xbox one
need 4 msg gt above for inv, Xbox one
Need 4 people to help with kings fall raid at the sisters and need help beating them first time here and don't know 2hat am doing
Msg Binetto21 for PoE Skolas Hunter 311
Warlock looking to join Hard Crota's End Inv: xxToXicCrAsHxx
If anyone wants to run crota hmu, I'm happy to help anyone get through the raid
Taking my brother through VoG after work. It'll be his first raid ever. Anyone else want to run through it for fun? Show a new guardian how it's done? I'll be on around 9pm eastern.