I would like to make a place for people to come together and recruit for old raids. I'm sure there are some collectors that need to add to their stash, some veteran guardians that wish to have fun in year one raids, or some newbies looking to experience those first raids. This is strictly for XB1.
[u][b][i]Please post rank/light level, character, and what raid you are looking for. [/i][/b][/u]
Hopefully, I will get to run through these with you myself soon
On Templar oracles need 5 more players on vault of glass ( Hard Mode ) Xbox One GT: kungfu7monkey
Experienced VOG looking to do Atheon "Not Forged in Light Quest". Send invite I'll join up at any CP.
Looking for 4 to do Crota Hard, trying to get the Crux Msg Ronfiret
320 hunter looking for fresh vog normal/hard gt frostdog3000
316 titan looking to join a group at any checkpoint to do VoG on hard only. Send me an invite GT: maxwalden
Croats end hard fresh run. GT same as above
LFG for VOG normal. Trying to get No Time to Explain. 311 TItan. Gamertag: Wil Dekkart
Need 4 for VOG message for invite on Xbox one to GT: James Murfo Don't care about your level
Need 4 for VOG message for invite on Xbox one to GT: James Murfo Don't care about your level
Need 4 for VOG message for invite on Xbox one to GT: James Murfo Don't care about your level
Need 4 for vog have cp
Fresh vog norm and hard gt as above
Doing fresh vog gt as above xbox 1
Need 4 for fresh hard vog need people that know what to do no scrubs need to get this done quick gt: C0ach Marc0
Have 3 for vault of glass need 3 more message Gt:FreelancerBravo
Vog hard oracles cp need 4
Need 1 for skolas message Gt:FreelancerBravo
Level 35 Poe message Gt:FreelancerBravo for invite :)
320 warlock looking to run vog or crota hard for fun Invite gt above Adults only please
320 hunter looking for vog hard gt frostdog3000
Edited by Colt with a K: 3/6/2016 5:43:16 AMLooking for 4 for Crota cp on normal
Looking for VoG hard fresh. msg or inv, gt above.
LF 4 more to do VoG, helping a friend do it for the first time. Preferably with mic and and some idea about the raid, GT same as above, cheers!
Need 5 for hard crota Searching for crux Message GT
Need 4 for Hard VoG NO MIC REQUIRED GT: x Locust Rain
Need 5 for fresh run on hard. Message:ZappinZombie for an invite. Vog