I would like to make a place for people to come together and recruit for old raids. I'm sure there are some collectors that need to add to their stash, some veteran guardians that wish to have fun in year one raids, or some newbies looking to experience those first raids. This is strictly for XB1.
[u][b][i]Please post rank/light level, character, and what raid you are looking for. [/i][/b][/u]
Hopefully, I will get to run through these with you myself soon
NEed 3 for oracle CP don't care what lol just join to have a blast from past just trying to help a friend :)
NEed 3 for oracle CP don't care what lol just join to have a blast from past[/quote]
Vog normal At atheon cp
Looking to do vault of glass. Doesn't matter the difficulty. I'm starting one, GM Sevohseven
Look for 4 fresh I don't if u r low level or high level just trying to help a friend
GT: Brave Sir Chuck, lvl 40, light currently 276, Hunter. Looking to do Crota's End normal & hard for the next few weeks. Plenty of experience with VoG and willing to help out with that as well.
Need 2 more for VOG gt hollywoood16
Looking to do a vault of glass need 5 I am 315 add me Dristrickshot
Need four for vog hard Message in game for invite
Hey guys, LostInTheCloudz coming at ya. My friend and I are going for scarab and we need some help from a good player. My elo is 1613 with a 1.09 k/d. My friend has similar stats and we are looking for a player with a 1 k/d and a 1400-1500 elo. Please be a good sniper or shot gunner. I am a very good sniper and my friend shot guns and snipes. Msg LostInTheCloudz with k/d and or elo for and invite.
Need 3 for hard sisters,must have touch of malice. Msg me your light/class for invite. Gt lil toothpick
My gamer tag is above send message if you want to join
At Crota but need some people to help me kill him I'm a hunter worth 301 light
318 warlock looking to run any hard old raid or Poe skolas for fun Invite gt above Adults preferred
Looking for atheon co gt same as above
Need 4 for fresh crota thanks
Looking for group with hard gatekeeper or Atheon. Inv gt above if you have this cp
Vault of glass Looking for 3 Fresh unless you have a checkpoint Gt same as above Message for inv
At hard Crota bridge gt TLC Alpine
Edited by Wrenchineer: 1/18/2016 2:46:32 AMNeed 2 for vog hard 313 Titan Gt: Wrenchineer
I'm a 296 warlock and my friend is a 304 hunter and we are looking to do VOG on hard mode please message P1Drifter27 for an invite
2 for skolas's revenge POE 311 Titan Gt: Wrenchineer
300+ Titan looking to do Crota's End. Need 5, GT is the same as my name on here
Need 5 for crota raid
2 for skolas's revenge POE 311 Titan Gt: Wrenchineer
Need 4 for vogue hard mode msg Gamerstar117 for inv