I would like to make a place for people to come together and recruit for old raids. I'm sure there are some collectors that need to add to their stash, some veteran guardians that wish to have fun in year one raids, or some newbies looking to experience those first raids. This is strictly for XB1.
[u][b][i]Please post rank/light level, character, and what raid you are looking for. [/i][/b][/u]
Hopefully, I will get to run through these with you myself soon
Looking for 3 more for fresh VoG
309 titan looking to do VOG hard, please invite JediAssassin98
Looking to do fresh run for crota or vog on hard
Easy vog for no time to explain msg in game
need 4 for crotas end gt same as above
Vog I'm 302 never done vog GT:OG Smithii
I'd like to experience Corta's End. Xbox One Otaku Panda cx Titan 290
Warlock level 32, vault of glass raid
Need 1 for vog
Need 3 for VoG for fun
need 2 for skolas
Need one for vog hard msg Submini on Xbox one
Lf vog group invite guru maxi 302 warlock
Edited by Simply Judas: 1/17/2016 5:48:29 PMLf a group to do VoG for fun. Trying to collect some weapons/armor. Send an invite : Taco Saturday Edit: I don't want to host please invite me. Still looking
inviteme gt SorestCargo9947 for vog my first time
Anyone doing vog from the start haven't played destiny for a few months but I used to play it about 6 hours a day and I'm back very experienced but new account with no gear
I would like 6 for VOG hard for the exotic 'no time to explain' message me @Desertninja14
Anyone wanna do skolas
Need 1 vog
Need 2 for vog
Looking for members to join my clan. Xbox one only. (May consider 360 if I get a few who want to join) The clan is going through a phase where not many people are on at the same times. So I would like UK only guardians 18+ Male or female we don't care just as long as you can be active and do a few raids with us. We know how to run all 3 raids with no problems. We could even take on new guardians and show them the ropes. (Vog is still the best raid). In this clan we don't have "must have this weapon" requirements or "must be this light level" As long as you join in on raids and stay active with us we will get on fine like camels in the desert. Oh and one other thing. Know how to take a joke, me and other members have been playing together for a long time so...... you get the picture....... So what are you waiting for. https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/913240 Check us out.
Edited by M4HisGlory: 1/17/2016 4:53:08 PMWarlock at light level 308. Need a VOG run normal or checkpoint at Atheon for NTTE exotic quest. Titan 311 for a hard Crota run or checkpoint at Crota on hard. Trying to get Crux of Crota for Necrochasm auto rifle.
Need two 295+ light gayrdians for a fresh run on oryx. We will do the challenge mode, and be victorious. Gaymertag same as name. Thank you for the reading. I hope to see u in the pit. Okay goodbye until later. Almost forgot, hit me up in my dms if you wanna slay poppa oryx. Thank you for your servitude. I appreciate the read. I hope that u hav a good day. Thank you for the read. Okay goodbye.
Hey, I am looking for people to run old raids with me on Xbox one! my gametag is SynysterXVII