I would like to make a place for people to come together and recruit for old raids. I'm sure there are some collectors that need to add to their stash, some veteran guardians that wish to have fun in year one raids, or some newbies looking to experience those first raids. This is strictly for XB1.
[u][b][i]Please post rank/light level, character, and what raid you are looking for. [/i][/b][/u]
Hopefully, I will get to run through these with you myself soon
Looking for fresh crota hm or looking for 5 for fresh, 313 sunbreaker, be experienced in the raid and mature msg for inv
318 titan LF vog. Invite Phleebus.
Looking to do KF raid, invite me if me if interested gt same as above, (xb1)
Need two for skolas please have a sword not passing the aura.
Looking to join or host normal vault of glass GT above message or invite
Need two gt Poe lvl32 for strange coins gt is above at boss
Edited by camdian612: 1/17/2016 6:47:58 AMMessage camdian612 If anyone is doing vog normal or hard on gatekeeper or atheon I'm a 313 hunter I just need Atheons eye
If anyone is doing Crota on Xbox Invite me
Looking to do KF raid, invite me if me if interested gt same as above, (xb1)
Looking to join a hard VoG, I won't be using my mic since it's not needed. GT is above.
Vault of Glass Hard Fresh start Messege KlownHD
Running fresh drunk Crota on Xbox one. We have killed him well over 150 times so success won't be an issue. Doing it for fun and adding a bit of a drinking game to go along. We plan on drinking per death as well as shots for exotics. If your drinking and want to play along shoot us a message for an invite. Even if your not drinking and just want to be part of the conversation along the way join too. GT same as above.
Crota Normal 3 members so far 3 more GT same as above at tower HAVE MIKE
Edited by ITzBCTTV: 1/17/2016 6:25:08 AMLooking to do KF raid, invite me if me if interested gt same as above, (xb1)
Running fresh drunk Crota on Xbox one. We have killed him well over 150 times so success won't be an issue. Doing it for fun and adding a bit of a drinking game to go along. We plan on drinking per death as well as shots for exotics. If your drinking and want to play along shoot us a message for an invite. Even if your not drinking and just want to be part of the conversation along the way join too. GT same as above.
Crota Normal 1 more left HAVE A MIKE
Need 2 CROTA on hard msg AIR LANDO
Looking for jumping puzzle before sisters need the calcified fragment help me plz
Looking to do KF invite me if interested gt same as above (xb1)
Looking to do any or even all raids any level I have a lot of time Lvl 40 light lvl 285 warlock sunsinger
Anyone on PS4 wanna do a weed related raid thing right now? If interested please message me on PSN, my name is dawgboy1976
311 Titan, never done the old raids. Want to though. GT same as above.
308 Titan lf either old raid on hard. Message BurningTeddy
Crotas end hard Xbox one At crota! Need 1! Gt same as above
Need a few to do croto never done it befor I'm at hunter with 301 light