I would like to make a place for people to come together and recruit for old raids. I'm sure there are some collectors that need to add to their stash, some veteran guardians that wish to have fun in year one raids, or some newbies looking to experience those first raids. This is strictly for XB1.
[u][b][i]Please post rank/light level, character, and what raid you are looking for. [/i][/b][/u]
Hopefully, I will get to run through these with you myself soon
need one for scolas msg for invite no mi xb1
need 2 for lvl 35 poe
Join this uprising clan and conquer your missions together https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1419800
[b]Hosting both old raids, Crota first, VOG after. Not many people play this anymore so if you see this half an hour after I posted it send me a message we might have a spot open. Message over Xbox for invite GT: Fear King Hell[/b]
Need 4 to help a friend of mine through vault of glass. Gt-IMAKILLA101
I need 1 person for NORMAL RAID MSG: V7 JynX
POE or skolas anyone?
Need 3 for Vog. Message F4sakenNtrovert on Xbox1 for invite.
Edited by Aerodynamiq v3: 1/17/2016 12:29:25 AMAnyone down for 35 PoE? MSG Gt above Need 2
Trying for flawless raider, crota normal! Need at least 3
Want to do Crota. GT: degreeem
Need a group for crotas end this gt light 285
Need 5 for vault of glass raid
Need two at Atheon. Message and I will invite.
Need 5 for hard crota. GT is the same
Need 1 for hard crota Xb1 Msg kwars01 for inv Must know what to do
Need 4 for Crota hard Message gamertag above [xbox one]
Need 1 for hard crota Xb1 Msg kwars01 for inv Must know what to do
Need 4 for vog hard message me on xbox
in twenty minutes I will host VOG so ask to join and gt is same as above
in twenty minutes I will host VOG so ask to join and gt is same as above
need 5 for vault of glass
Im looking for a team for crotas end normal and hard raid message me gamertag is Skittlewolf24
Poe fun run!! I'm a 317 with a 311. Msg me I'll take anyone year 1 or 2
Need 4 for Crota Hard Msg TheBurntMuffins