I would like to make a place for people to come together and recruit for old raids. I'm sure there are some collectors that need to add to their stash, some veteran guardians that wish to have fun in year one raids, or some newbies looking to experience those first raids. This is strictly for XB1.
[u][b][i]Please post rank/light level, character, and what raid you are looking for. [/i][/b][/u]
Hopefully, I will get to run through these with you myself soon
Need 5 310+ people who know how to do golgoroth challenge hard msg MonsterMad0701
Need 3 normal totems
Looking to do VoG for no time to explain be 320! Jkjk anybody is obviously fine haha Message nex x paciscor
Looking to do fresh hard crota, message GT as above or on here for invite
Need 2 for Vog before Atheon message for inv gt is above
[quote]Any want to do crota on hard for crux ask for inv[/quote]
Looking for 2 players to do all of the Poe activities (32/34/34) msg MonsterMad0701 for inv
Need two for hard vog fresh. msg for inv, gt above.
Looking for VoG hard fresh run. Msg or inv, gt above.
Hosting a flawless raider raid on Crota's end. Please be experienced. Message gamertag same as above for an invite.
Looking to run vog hard or crota hard for fun 318 Titan Adults preferred
Need 3 for Gatekeepers hard . Level 30+. Message gt: appleman200. Must have mic. NOOBS WELCOME :)
Starting up fresh Crota on hard for Xbone. Need 5 other guardians to join. Gamertag same as above, send me a message for invite.
Need 1 for poe35 message GT JordH06 for inv
looking to do vog. inv me plz
Hosting hard corta mag me gt above
Need 2 for poe35, message GT JordH06 for inv
Looking to do crota on hard fresh, can host. Need 3.
Lf3 for VOG
Looking to do crota on hard fresh, can host. Need 5.
Need 5 for fresh vog hard.
Need 5 for fresh vog hard.
need 3 fresh vog hard xbone gt frostdog3000
Looking for people for normal VOG message me or BumbbleBee2008
Normal VoG! message me or spyro88
Need 1 for fresh VoG on Hard. Gamertag same as above,send me a message for invite.