Besides all the other heinous lies you told us this one still probably pisses me off the most. You said that RNG would be fixed to where an item in your inventory would have less of a chance of getting it again. I bought 8, FAUCKING 8 exotic helmet engrams from XuR because I am missing Skyburner's Annex which you can not buy from Kiosk (because year 2 exotic can not be re bought until dropped her der). Anyways that was all of my strange coins and what happens? (Going to release a video once it gets done uploading)
Or if you just want to read I get a grand total of an Obsidian Mind, Taikonaught, Celestial Nighthawk, 2 Gravitron forfeit (which I have in my inventory already.) and freaking 2 Masks of the Third Man (which were in the same unpackagaing session leaving me to have 2 in the inventory and getting a 3rd!!!)
Fix your game Bungie and if you have any balls admit that your lying sacs of crap.
I hear ya bro