RageDragons we are a clan who play for fun and we look player you all so play for fun. But we don't want player who take dis game so serious that will get mad at a player for make a mistake. We all so try to help each other wind we can and to make some friends . So I hope you can join us and have some fun.
Edited by unvmm: 1/17/2016 10:43:38 PMwould like to join your clan for raiding , nightstrikes and just good fun playing PS3 destiny
ps3 kings fall raid. Oryx checkpoint. 297+ light level. Ps3 name is Shark _XRS. Add me for invite
We need 3 people to do vault of glass on PS3. Add me. @ ramjam18mav
Can I join the clan
I'm definitely looking to have fun and make friends. Also, I have no idea how to join a clan.
My Name is Sir_Epicness13 and I would like to join your clan. Please take it into consideration
C4ndycr1m3 add me
I would love to join. The requirement basically describe me anyways XD
My PSN id is Khayman_1st Please add me
I'm looking to join a fun clan that don't mind mistakes but are also reasonable and completing raids, normal and hard etc I have 3 characters from 311 to 316 light and I play destiny most days
How do I join
Edited by Cfman: 1/16/2016 7:08:35 PMDelete