"The taken ping" @ 1:10
"Stat rigging/matching with chimpanzees with no limbs" @ 4:15
"50% win/lose ratio & rigged matches" @ 5:30
"Avoidance to endorse primary weapon based gameplay/joining a losing game" @ 7:40
"Ranked/unranked playlists/weapons balance" @10:30
Edit: Aaaand trending. Maybe someone will address these abhorrent issues. Probably not, but we can at least beat them over the head with it in the hopes something might get fixed in three years.
Edit 1/21 pre update.
I wonder if anything will be addressed in todays update..
I, for one, am super stoked to hear about their announcement to announce an announce date on which they'll announce the release date of an announcement.
The only way to fix what we don't like with the game is to share posts like this. Maybe Bungie won't see this but the more we post about what we actually want the higher our chances are that someone in Bungie will see it and actually take our ideas into consideration.