Looking for a Group / Clan or some Players on PS3 to do Crota's End Raid, Vault Of Glass Raid, and any other Raids except KingsFall I know I'm not ready for that one yet... I haven't done any of the Raids yet haven't had a group so hit me up so I can add you and we can talk to set it up, I'm a Hunter LV40 with a Light LV 250 and I don't have a mic but do have PSN Messages or we can Message or voice message thru Facebook... My PSN is @THAT_KING_D ... Also if your a lower LV player and need help and wanna do some Strike Missions or Story Missions feel free to hit me up... Add my PSN and send me a Friend Request or Message or Comment on my Post!!!
hey, i will add you. i have done all the raids and i miss doing the old ones. psn johnnypreston12