originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]an arrow goes down from a tree though you don't see which one and stabs into RA(your gun)[/b]
[b]the arrow has a rope attached and it gets pulled back along with RA[/b]
[b]He calmly grabs the rope and pulls Either it will break or whoever is doing this is going to get pulled out[/b]
[b]lets go and you fall back[/b] [b]you hear the sound of someone landing on the grass on the ground[/b] [b]then you hear footsteps going fast[/b]
[b]He rushed forward and fires his gun as fast as he can[/b] "When I see you you will pay"
[b]something with incredible force hits you in the side and sends you flying into a tree[/b] [b]it feels like you got stabbed, you realize that you have a hole in the side of your armor[/b]
[b]With reflexes superhuman, he erects a sheild of biomass and shoves in that direction[/b]
[spoiler]Prototype thing Can counter with shields [/spoiler]
[spoiler]when did you pull out the shield[/spoiler] [b]after you got hit or before[/b]
[spoiler]Before, literally right before[/spoiler]
[spoiler]-____-[/spoiler] [b]whatever it is is way stronger and pushes you back with ease[/b]
[spoiler]0-o Evolved can throw around a ten story guy But time to pull out the big guns[/spoiler] [b]He summons his keyblade and casts a spell of tracking[/b]
[b]it's literally right in front of your face and hits you again sending you flying[/b]
[b]He fires a beam of light that destroys the ENTIRE forest in front of him There is no hope[/b]
[b]there is hope because i'm laser proof[/b] [spoiler]jk, but imma god mod if your gonna god mode[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Lol frustrated But seriously if it was in front of me I would know You kinda already did[/spoiler]
[spoiler]you used power armor and you have super strength[/spoiler] [spoiler]i had to use to god mod to even hurt you a little[/spoiler]
[spoiler]He is inherently powerful What did you expect He has access to literally every weapon the dojo has[/spoiler] [b]He contiuues to look for the little shit that angered him[/b]
[b]the thing that attacked you disappeared because logic[/b] [b]he is nowhere to be found[/b] [spoiler]go back to the Dojo entrance to see him[/spoiler]
[b]He stomps back to the dojo and aims with his waeapon[/b]
[b]you see a cape fall over the other side of the Dojo wall[/b] [b]it's a bright green[/b] [spoiler]he climbed over the wall[/spoiler]
[b]Ge walks in and loads his revolver[/b] "Damn kids"
[spoiler]in the Dojo?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]no, the damn Death Star Yes the dojo [/spoiler]
[spoiler]might wanna get off the Death Star, it blows up[/spoiler] [b]walks around like normal[/b]