Even though everyone will say Saitama; Guy's eighth gate of death makes him so powerful that he can bend matter and make punches with only the air faster than a minigun. He may not be able to destroy a planet like Saitama, but Guy trained longer and harder than Saitama did.
[spoiler]Also; people who call anyone who watches anime a weeaboo, [i]there's the door[/i]. Negativity doesn't help anyone.[/spoiler]
I hated guy when I first started watching naruto, but by the time he started showing his gate power, started liking him. THE POWER OF YOUTH!
Haha, I wanna say guy, but I know the truth.
Alright dweeb, hand over that lunch money unless you wanna get a purple nurple.
Unfortunately, Saitama was made to be OP. And just something I noticed, Saitama can beat anything in one punch, hence One Punch Man. But all these other characters have one ginormous attack equal to one of Saitama's punches. Usually these ginormous attacks take a little time to use. Now Saitama can throw [i]ten[/i] (rough estimate) of his punches within a second! Like I said, "Made to be op."
Saitama is a parody character. So you cant really put him up against anyone
The creator of naruto said that Naruto at the very end had the strength equivalent of Nappa from dbz. I can see Nappa gettin blown away by saitama soooooo.
Combustion Man vs The Boulder
Much as I love Guy Saitama was created to trump all Shonen characters
Saitama will destroy Naruto and every other ninja.
Saitama is stronger and more durable, but he doesn't have the speed to tag Guy iirc.
You can't really vs Saitama against anyone yet. He hasn't shown any signs of weakness (Not that I know of, at least. Maybe the manga has something else).
Guy wouldn't stand a chance sadly Saitama would just stand there and wait.......