originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]The fierce deity hears it. And goes to investigate.[/b]
Hey! Whoever is the ass trying to be a deer giving a mediocre mating call, IT IS NOT TURNING ME ON!
[spoiler]lel[/spoiler] [b]the tiger scratches your face and so does Tubbs[/b]
[b]He kicks you both in the ass and lands at the dojo. He tames the tiger. And now they are best friends[/b] [b]He talks to you.[/b] Alright Two-face. Now that I COMPLETELY kicked your ass. You can go in the dojo. And not be a douche bag!
[spoiler]Tiger is already tamed by Garth[/spoiler] You didn't do crap! Come on! You ready for round 2!? [b]pulls out scythe[/b]
....You know 2 face? I like your fire. [b]He swings the blade around[/b] Kinda reminds of my Ex-wife.
[b]pulls of blade off scythe and twist the bottom of the handle[/b] [b]chapstick comes out and I use it[/b] [b]puts it back in and puts the blade back on[/b] You know, you may have beat me up a bit. But at least my lips aren't chapped :) [spoiler]kind of random...[/spoiler]
......uhhhhh. Ok man. You do you? [b]He readies[/b]
I will. [b]slices at your foot[/b]
[b]He jumps over it, while he does he spins and hook kicks your neck. [/b]
[spoiler]hook kick?[/spoiler] [b]ducks under it and tackles you[/b]
[spoiler]Basically, he kicked the back of your neck with the back of his foot. Then pulled forward[/spoiler] [b]You get him off balance and he falls to the ground. But he jabs you in the side with the blade. Sending a beam piercing through your stomach.[/b]