originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]you trip over a tree branch because why not[/b]
[b]you get picked up be something sharp and start flying in the sky[/b]
[b]you feel 3 objects around your body that's holding you up(like an eagle's feet)[/b]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/17/2016 2:16:06 AM[b]He looks up[/b] WHAT. THE. FU[i]C[/i]K. [b]He slashes whatever is holding him.[/b] [spoiler]I was flying....and tripped over a branch... >Tubbs logic [/spoiler]
[spoiler]you were flying?[/spoiler] [spoiler]oh well[/spoiler] [b]before you slash it drops you[/b]
[b]The deity stops and flies.[/b] REALLY YOU ASS? YOU THINK YOU CAN DROP ME?! [b]He now sees whatever it was that was holding him.[/b] [spoiler]Checkm8 wat is it?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]lel[/spoiler] [b]it's a giant eagle[/b]
YOU ARE MINE BITCH! [b]He flies on top of the eagle and lands on it's then puts his hand to its skull and a giant white light glows. He now controls the eagle[/b] LETS KILL SOME COMMIES! Oh...wait...wrong script.... LETS KILL SOME TUNIC HATERS! [b]He flies the eagle down and picks you up. [/b]
Edited by JealousOrc: 1/17/2016 2:33:24 AM[b]when you fly up to it you all of a sudden get tackled by a man with a hood[/b] [i]I'LL DIE BEFORE YOU HURT HIM!!![/i]
[b]The fierce deity grabs him by the throat as he flies in the air.[/b] Wait. Did. Did you actually think that was gunna work? Like...seriously? You thought that was a good plan? Wow. That was just...just some next level stupid. Seriously. And this is coming from the guy who thought sex with Giants was a good idea. [b]He throws the man straight into the ground. Making a huge crater. And decimating the trees in the vicinity. He flies down and walks up to the broken body.[/b] Now who the hell are you? [b]He takes off the mans hood.[/b]
[b]the man is already dead because you just slammed him into the ground from high up[/b] [spoiler]btw this isn't the first guy[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Im assuming the first guy was you.[/spoiler] [b]He still takes off his hood.[/b] Oh. Right. [b]He spins incredibly fast swinging his blade. And a giant beam sweeps around him in a radius. Cutting anyone who was in it in half.[/b]
[spoiler]not Tubbs, but a new character[/spoiler] [b]nobody was there[/b] [b]you hear the eagle screech and fly down to the body[/b]
[b]He backs up.[/b]
[b]the eagle nudges it with his beak[/b]
[b] He jumps on it [/b] FOR THE EMPIRE-I MEAN FREEDOM! [b]He does the same thing he was going to do to the eagle and flies around [/b]
[b]it flies back when you try to jump on it[/b] [b]it screeches at you[/b]
[spoiler]Tubbs....[/spoiler] [spoiler]Your blocking my flow here...[/spoiler] Ya F[i]U[/i]CK you too! [b]He flips the eagle the bird [/b]
[spoiler]LET IT GRIEF[/spoiler] [spoiler]YOU JUST KILLED IT'S OWNER[/spoiler] [b]it walks back to the body[/b]
[b]The deity fixes his tunic [/b]
[b]the bird soon realizes it's owner died[/b] [b]it screeches really loud[/b]
Ya ya. Here have some god damn music. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D8zlUUrFK-M
[b]it looks up at you angrily[/b]
[b]He throws it a stick [/b]
[b]it bites it in half[/b] [b]it jumps up and charges at you[/b] [b]in mid-air you hear a whistle and it stops and lands[/b] [b]a man in a bright green hood and cape with brown hide armor walks up to you[/b] [b]the armor covers his whole body[/b] [spoiler]it's not heavy armor but more lightweight[/spoiler] [b]as you examine his armor you see a belt with pouches holding weapons and you can't help but notice a mini quiver on the belt, it's the size of a cell phone and is a cylinder(obviously) with the back of arrows sticking out[/b] [b]in his boots you see a knife handle barely sticking out[/b]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/17/2016 2:26:25 PMWell look what we got here! So who are you, Robin Hood? A ranger of mordor? Some really good cosplayer? [spoiler]Man. That's the longest post you've ever made [/spoiler]
[spoiler]i know, that's the first thing I though too[/spoiler] Me? I'm the guy who just saved your a**. [b]the eagle points to its owners dead body with it's beak[/b] [b]the man sees it[/b] [b]he looks back at you[/b] I should of let you die. But I hear a man named Tubbs is here. And you're gonna take me to him.
Ha! I have no idea who that guy is. All I know, is that you just insulted me. You better apologize. Otherwise, well, you might hurt. My feelings. [b]A grim look comes across the deities face[/b] [spoiler]This is not someone you wanna bash. Trust me.[/spoiler]