Nah they're not particularly Gouda
A dyslexic guy walked into a bra.
Two peanuts walk into a bar, one was assaulted.
What's the meme of lonely cheese called? Forever provolone
So, I've been reading this book about glue, and I can't put it down
It had Gouda structure, but crumbled.
So, I've been reading this book about glue, and I can't put it down
Why does some cheese smell and others don't. No one nose....
Stahp. Just......stahp. Jk your puns are funny as a funny thing.
Why did the chicken cross the road[spoiler]it was a crossroad[/spoiler]
Edited by Not A Synth : 1/18/2016 3:45:34 PM
They're Gouda
I have split opinions about it
Love em
Uganda be kiddin' me! Kenya please repeat that?
Edited by GarrisonWhite2: 1/18/2016 5:33:11 AM
Seems to be a gimmick but they're alright
What games do jews play? Call of Jewty. Why don't jews borrow books? They always get overjew. [spoiler]and burnt[/spoiler]
What hotel does cheese stay in? The Stilton
What's the saddest cheese? Blue Cheese
What music does cheese listen to? R & Brie
What happens when a cheese gets over an illness? It gets feta
What did the male cheese wheel say to his sweetheart? "You Gouda my head baby. I'm really fondue you"
What did GladOs say to the cheese statue of chell? You Munster
What do mice pray to? Cheesus