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originally posted in:Guardians Worldwide
Edited by beb: 2/11/2016 7:02:43 AM

Raid Requirements - Read If You Want To Join A Raid Group

[b]Light Level Requirements:[/b] Normal Mode: 295 Light Hard Mode: 305 Light Minimum light levels can be lower if the majority of the group is higher then required. For example, four level 310's can easily carry two level 280's. [b]Gear Requirements:[/b] Own: Any Sniper ([armory]1000-Yard Stare[/armory] preferably from the Vanguard Quarter Master) Own: [armory]Touch of Malice[/armory] (Hard Raid Only) Own: A Mic. Communication is key, although some hosts dont consider this a requirement, not having one is a huge disadvantage towards your team. [b]Class Requirements:[/b] Hunters: Unlock Nightstalker Subclass (Unlock Black Hole perk if possible) Titans: Unlock Blessing of Light (Unlock Weapons of Light if possible) Warlocks: Unlock Fireborn (Self-Rez, also having Stormcaller subclass may help) Gear requirements may vary based on your raid host. However, this is the standard. [b]Preparing Yourself:[/b] Nightstalker, Defender, and a Sunsinger are the most commonly used subclasses for the Kings Fall Raid. You'll want to start progressing these first. You'll want a good primary weapon as it'll be your bread and butter throughout the entire raid. I recommend the [armory]Hung Jury SR4[/armory] from the Dead Orbit vendor. With it comes Triple Tap (Receive 1 bullet back after 3 precision hits (headshots)), Firefly (Precision kills cause the target to explode), its high stability (easier to aim), high fire rate and magazine size (allowing you to shoot up to 29 shots if all shots are precise). You should be aiming for or already have the [armory]Touch of Malice[/armory] as most hard raid hosts consider this a requirement. Read up or watch videos on the raid as well if you want a better understanding of the mechanics of the Kings Fall Raid before jumping into it yourself. [b]How do I raise my light?[/b] High Tier: Up to level 310 drops Nightfalls (Limit 1 per week) Shaxx Bounties (Limit 1 per week) Trials of Osiris (Flawless will allow up to 320 drops) Low Tier: Up to level 300 drops Weekly Heroics (Limit 3 per week) The Taken King Quests Court of Oryx (No Limit, Have Fun!)

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