originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
Well look what we got here! So who are you, Robin Hood? A ranger of mordor? Some really good cosplayer?
[spoiler]Man. That's the longest post you've ever made [/spoiler]
[spoiler]i know, that's the first thing I though too[/spoiler] Me? I'm the guy who just saved your a**. [b]the eagle points to its owners dead body with it's beak[/b] [b]the man sees it[/b] [b]he looks back at you[/b] I should of let you die. But I hear a man named Tubbs is here. And you're gonna take me to him.
Ha! I have no idea who that guy is. All I know, is that you just insulted me. You better apologize. Otherwise, well, you might hurt. My feelings. [b]A grim look comes across the deities face[/b] [spoiler]This is not someone you wanna bash. Trust me.[/spoiler]
You will help me find him. [b]he grins as well[/b] Or that tunic will get torn to shreds. [spoiler]"they have an army" "We have a Hulk"[/spoiler] [spoiler]that's what I imagine happening if I get his army[/spoiler]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/17/2016 7:52:39 PMScrew you! I'm not listening to some ass who thinks he can tear my tunic, then think his Dick is as big as a god damn tree! Go to hell! [b]He decapitates the bird. Then slashes at you.[/b] [spoiler]Yep.[/spoiler] [spoiler]That happened.[/spoiler] [spoiler]That bird is dead now. No *dodging*[/spoiler]
[b]i(Tubbs) tackle you[/b] Hey Garth. [b]I look at the guy in the hood[/b]
[b]He grabs you by the hair and lifts you up by your scalp. He raises his hand and his blade comes to him.[/b] YOU KNOW WHAT?! YOU GUYS. ARE PISSING ME OFF! [b]He throws you down to Garth.[/b] NOW. Give me a really bad reason on why I shouldn't disembowel both of you, for being massive pricks!
Because this [b]opens portals under and above you[/b]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/18/2016 1:12:13 PM[b]He hovers in between them. And moves out of the way.[/b] [spoiler]You are pushing your luck for both of your characters right now Tubbs. He isn't going to take this cryptic bullshit. He's a paranoid sociopath.[/spoiler] [b]He swings his blade. Sending a beam of light at Garth which hits him in the chest and knocks him down. Leaving a brutal cut.[/b] You have five seconds....to tell me what your doing.... Five. Four...
Garth: Son of a Bi- *he gets hit by your laser* Tubbs: Ooh! I wanna count down! 3, 2, 1! SUPRISE!!! [b]he jumps up and round house kicks you[/b] Tubbs: Listen here buttercup, if I can handle Pants, I can handle you. Sure I barely lived every time I fought Pants but that's not the point. [b]tries to whistle[/b] CRAP I NEVER LEARNED!!!
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/18/2016 6:38:16 PMYou know what the difference between me and that Ass was? [b]He grabs your face. And slams your cheek into a tree. Then grinds it on the tree like chalk on a sidewalk[/b] I'M ALIVE. [b]He flies up and throws you back down into the crater. Where he lands on Garth and punches his face into the ground.[/b] [spoiler]This guy? Well...uhhh...he's the only one who could beat Majora....[/spoiler]
[b]stands up dizzily[/b] It's gonna... take a lot more than... [b]passes out[/b]
[spoiler]I'm assuming that was Tubbs[/spoiler] [b]He turns his head to Garth[/b] So. You gunna apologize now? [b]He raises the deity blade. While holding him by the throat [/b]
On the contraire! I ASKED FIRST. NOW. [b]He tightens his grip[/b] WHAT. DO YOU SAY?!
Screw off. [b]spits on you[/b]
[b]He lets the spit slide down his face. Unfazed.[/b] Well...suit yourself. You don't need to use that bow ever again do you? [b]And with one smooth stroke the deity cuts off his right arm.[/b]
YOU MOTHER FU- [b]you get tackled by a tiger[/b]
[spoiler]WHOA![/spoiler] [b]He gets taken down by the tiger[/b] OH MY GOD! ITS FU[i]C[/i]KING ADORABLE! [b]He grabs the tiger, and Tubbs, and flies back to the dojo.[/b] BEST. DAY. EVER.
[spoiler]lel[/spoiler] [b]the tiger scratches your face and so does Tubbs[/b]
[b]He kicks you both in the ass and lands at the dojo. He tames the tiger. And now they are best friends[/b] [b]He talks to you.[/b] Alright Two-face. Now that I COMPLETELY kicked your ass. You can go in the dojo. And not be a douche bag!
[spoiler]Tiger is already tamed by Garth[/spoiler] You didn't do crap! Come on! You ready for round 2!? [b]pulls out scythe[/b]
....You know 2 face? I like your fire. [b]He swings the blade around[/b] Kinda reminds of my Ex-wife.
[b]pulls of blade off scythe and twist the bottom of the handle[/b] [b]chapstick comes out and I use it[/b] [b]puts it back in and puts the blade back on[/b] You know, you may have beat me up a bit. But at least my lips aren't chapped :) [spoiler]kind of random...[/spoiler]
......uhhhhh. Ok man. You do you? [b]He readies[/b]
I will. [b]slices at your foot[/b]