Ok before the trolls and fanboys start responding let me just start by saying that this post is more of a question rather than a criticism.
For the last few weeks I feel that there isn't much to do in game world. I got my challenge, NF (yeah I do it weekly) and legendary marks stuff done playing sporadically. I even helped a kinderguardian do some stuff and helped in quite a few exotic missions (swords, ToM) and random carries.
I don't feel motivated enough to finish hard raid or visit lighthouse. Pre-TTK there was still more with less content but now I feel its a bit of drag if you don't want to kill Oryx or play ToO. Am I missing something or its same for you lot too?
Happy to help others in missions but just feel lazy for other stuff.
XB1 add/msg me on same GT if you need some help I am lock and titan 314/312...
I'm new to destiny, so I am still thoroughly enjoying it. I WISH I could get a fireteam together to do a freakin kings fall raid. I don't play games just to not finish it. I have oryx to finish and I'm not gonna be satisfied until I do.