Okay don't actually bring it back lol, i honestly think that would be a bad idea but i do honestly miss it... it was fun.
Final round made sniping a challenge, i dont mean final rounding was hard- that was easy as lol, i mean out sniping a final rounder when your not using final round- that was challenging and rewarding as -blam!- xD
Yes i used it from time to time, who didnt?
I used it against other final rounders sometimes.
I used it against people being douchebags.
I used it against people i thought were intentionally ubusing their network to gain an advantage.
I used it for the last day of trials before it was nerfed into oblivion purely to make a montage because i knew it would be funny and i knew it would be a salt mine.
I had forgotten i made [url=https://youtu.be/0t0gZJ_mTr4]this final round montage[/url], until today i had forgotten final round even existed lol.
So for any christmas noobs who never knew this was a thing, or any guardians wanting to reminisce or even the haters who wanna hate, [url=https://youtu.be/0t0gZJ_mTr4]check it out xD[/url]
Feel free to rage and call me n00b, i really dont mind. But please try to lighten up and remember this is just a video game, so laugh a little and try to see the funny side of things xD
I remember my efrideets spear had final round... It was so fun in trials all the hate messages