[b]he is pelted in tacos[/b]
[b]She dives into the pile and starts to eat away[/b]
Edited by Cosmic: 1/18/2016 2:50:21 PM"Is Caroline home? I have the best prank ever. We're gonna hide my corpse in the box and see how she reacts"
"She's here"
[b]he shoots himself with a red paintball gun afew times and jumps into the box [/b]
Edited by Nox: 1/18/2016 2:55:04 PM"CAROOOLIIINEEEEE" C: "WHAT TAH FECK IS IN MY BOX"
[b]he lays there and adopts a dead pose, paint now leaking out of his shirt, he looks around the box until she opens it[/b]
[b]She looks into the box[/b] C: "He ain't dead, breh" W: "You sure?" C: "He has a pulse"
[b]his pulse suddenly stops and his eyes open, staring in that same state as he was before you went all abortionist and shot my child...[/b]
C: "He's dead, rip"
[b]he stares into nothing for a few moments and snaps back into reality, screaming Nooo, but yet he seems to be finishing it, like he started screaming somewhere else[/b]
C: "Mufuggin what"
[b]he flings himself to his feet and starts scrambling around like a madman, speaking in an incomprehensible language[/b]
[b]They both nope out[/b]
[b]he eventually passes out and wakes up a few DAYS later[/b] "Uhhhhmm... Hello?"
[b]No answer[/b]
[b]he walks around and looks for anything or anyone, maybe a note or a message, at the very least [/b]
[b]There's a single note [/b]
[b]he picks it up and reads it [/b]
[b]"We left your weird af ass, bye"[/b]
[b]he shrugs[/b] "Well that sucks... John you still here?" [b]gunshots. He runs faster than any Olympic champion outdoors to find him holding a wounded bandit at gunpoint. Multiple other bandits lay dead or dying and a younger wisp, around 10-11, stands under his arm. Shepard runs over and quickly dispatches the wounded guy[/b] S: "where's the other two?" J: "they left when you died" S: "I'm still living." J: "atleast we got Caroline's box" S: [b]devilish grin creeps across his face as he runs back in[/b]
[b]They ain't there[/b]
[b]he tries to inspect Caroline's weird painting things she ranted about and nearly killed John over when she first joined the group[/b]
[b]There are no paintings[/b] [spoiler]Finger painting is a metaphor for masturbation [/spoiler]
[b]he sighs with relief[/b] "Oh... Wait.... Uumm... Kinda wish j hadn't blacked out in that box now."
[spoiler]ROGLMFAO[/spoiler] [b]Kek[/b]