Even if you don't like racing games, you still have to admire that the game runs 24 cars on a track, full physics for EVERY CAR, perfect reflections off the hood and even a faded reflection of the steering wheel in the windshield, it could be raining, and they still keep a solid 60fps with 0 drops and 1080p. I didn't even mention the 450+ cars that all have Forzavista (you can walk around the car and open the trunk, hood, doors, and get inside the car and look around) in the game to perfect realism or the 26+ beautiful tracks which all are perfect recreations of the real one, except the 5 or so made up tracks which are still amazingly real. Even if you don't like racing games, this is pretty impressive.
Very true, but many people find the games boring. I need to get back into Forza, haven't played it for a couple months
If your into multiplayer then Leagues is amazing, even if you aren't there are ghost leagues where players can't hit each other and it is a great way to build skill and play against other players with out those annoying shits who race dirty.