originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]Liberty prime walks up to you.[/b]
[spoiler]Ever play fallout? I'm a lieutenant[/spoiler]
[b]looks up [/b] aren't you a little.... Tall to be just a lieutenant...? [spoiler]yes I have! [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Alright. Your challenge is to take down Liberty Prime. Obviously weapons won't do much. But I'm sure there is a weakness on him somewhere..,.[/spoiler] [b]"SIZE IS IRRELEVANT FOR FREEDOM. MAKE YOUR MOVE COMMIE SCUM!"[/b]
[b]drops backpack, u notice I wield no weapons[/b] fine, this should be interesting.. Oh btw.. You lack judgement
[b]"LIBERATION IS NON-NEGOTIABLE"[/b] [b]He takes a step towards you [/b]
[b]steps back one step[/b] liberation from what exactly? [b]scar on wrist starts glowing, its shaped like a dragon[/b]
[b]"COMMUNISM"[/b] [b]He picks you up and throws you down to the ground. HARD.[/b]
[b]gets up slowly [/b] Okay... Have it your way then [b]a gun appears out of thin air (similar to the Golden gun from destiny) with a dragon drawn on the side[\b]
[b]He kicks you. Sending you flying back.[/b]
[b]back flips landing on both feet[/b] (sarcastic tone) hm nice [b]points gun and shoots left kneecap out[/b]
[spoiler]Remember what is said before. This is Liberty prime. There is a trick to taking him out. I'm testing your wits. Not your strength.[/spoiler] [b]The bullet damages his leg slightly. But he is still fully operational.[/b] [b]"COMMUNIST THREAT. IDENTIFIED."[/b] [b]He charges up his laser [/b]
Son of a.. [b]runs full speed at you[/b] [b]sticks object to your back, teleports out of sight[/b]
[b]"TARGET. LOST. COWARDLY COMMIES"[/b] [b]He scans[/b]
[b]the object starts hacking, u barelly notice[/b]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/19/2016 12:39:02 AM[b]"FAILSAFE. ACTIVATE."[/b] [b]Liberty prime restarts his systems[/b] [spoiler]Smart. But there aren't any easy answers.[/spoiler] [b]He tilts down for a bit while he reboots. A hot red steam coming from the top of his back.[/b] [b]He tilts back up and scans again.[/b]
[b]teleports behind you with a kick to your fusion core then teleports in front with a kick to the face and back down[/b] [spoiler]can't blame a guy for trying lol [/spoiler]
Edited by Inflatablepants: 1/19/2016 12:44:31 AM[b]You do a little bit of damage when you kick the fusion core. But your leg feels like you just broke it when you kick him in the face.[/b] [b]He winds up to throw a mini-nuke at you [/b]
[b]teleports and snatches mini nuke[/b] You will not jeopardize the lives of all these people just to take mine! [b]disarms mini nuke and tosses parts behind[/b]
[spoiler]Huh....[/spoiler] [b]You feel your hands burn with uranium.[/b] [b]He charges up his laser[/b]
Aint this about a.. [b]sprints towards you and hops on back, attempts rewiring[/b]
[b]He quickly bends forward throwing you off[/b] [spoiler]Techy guy eh? You got the right idea with the core[/spoiler]
[b]mumbles[/b] Where the hell are my brothers when i need them... [b]sprints again throwing purple fire balls, teleports onto back and rips half of the cover off[/b]
[b]You successfully do so. But it's so hot it feels like your hands are melting. He goes to grab you[/b]
[b]screams loud as hell[/b] FUUUUUUU CKKKK [b]teleports back to the other side of the room holding hand[/b]
[spoiler]We are outside but OK![/spoiler] [b]He charges his laser[/b]
[spoiler]whoops[/spoiler] [b]gets on knees in a sort of praying position, then as soon as the laser shoots, teleports behind and shoots core a few times[/b]