Care to explain that one, Bungie?
Hi guys. I work at Bungie and i would like to tell you that we have banned a total of "0" players since the release of Trials of Osiris. Our numbers have been increasing dramatically over the last couple of months. We hope to ban more next month after we nerf the shit out of everything instead of buffing the weapons that need it.
We definitely ban for cheating we just don't promote online vigilantism. Especially since it is usually based solely on 1 player's perspective through a video. We have in game reporting, and have also set up a [url=]submission form[/url] in case you were unable to use the in game reporting, or have a video/match link you would like to submit. Did you know someone who got banned for naming/shaming? Send me info if you do, we should just remove the content.
Edited by shay4444: 11/17/2017 3:21:28 PM............
I personally think they do ban players who. But if normal fail to report cheats then who's fault is it?
Bump x infinity
Edited by Sepp: 1/19/2016 11:18:02 PMThey don't ban cheaters because cheaters are essentially customers who play the game they possibly paid for. And it would mean losing potential returning customers for them. Bungie puts profit before customer satisfaction—that much is obvious.
Crucible connections are so shitty, bungie can't tell who is cheating. Half the connections on a given match are red bars. Until destiny gets dedicated servers, finding cheaters is going to be like looking for a needle in a needle stack. Unfortunately, the cheaters benefit and the rest of the community suffers, or leaves the game (as bungie is no doubt seeing)
Edited by Brennus79: 1/19/2016 7:43:27 AMThey have more simple ways too get the Lagswitches and bad connections out, but they protect them. There is no need too ban anyone. Make the Lagswitch useless and it is done. Kill by the Archtects on usage of the Switch or too much Lag. Or kickback too Orbit with a negative Bonus for the KD. Or only let the Laggers recieve double Damage and Die while Lagging. And you will see everybody self will care for a good connection or not too use a Lagswitch. But while they protect them fairness means buy a lagswitch.
They won't. Bungie stopped caring about this game a few weeks back. That much is obvious from the abysmal state of PvP.
You forgot #Shotsfired
They are encouraging cheating. Lack of action shows that
Some people also actually aren't cheating.. I had some butt hurt guy in crucible message me 2 days ago saying he reported me for cheating yet I don't know the first thing about how to cheat on video games.. nor do I know anything but the basic crap for electronics.. I'm not even the greatest player.. so if I'm whooping you that bad you should step up your game not try and blame it on cheating.. I'm getting tired of people doing that.. my friend got the same thing that game as well.
They do ban it's just they don't do public hangings.
Greed, 'nuff said.
Butt gee needs ban itself... Lol. I'm so funny!!!
Because bungie doesn't ban people on the forums, the volunteer yanks do
Edited by MF KingC: 1/19/2016 4:19:30 PMHey, That is because naming and shaming is against the forums [url=]Code of Conduct[/url]. The Bnet forums is not the place to report cheaters, reporting using the in-game report function and using the [url=]report player contact form[/url] are the places to report. Bungie investigates these reports and takes action if necessary. Some instances may actually be explained and rooted from connection problems and not a manipulation of connection.
I see the #Dedicatedservers tag. You realize dedicated servers wouldn't change anything, right? A person with a bad connection will behave the same no matter whether on peer-to-peer or dedicated server. People need to get off that bandwagon. They should focus on getting connection-based matchmaking back as that would make the difference.
Bungie does ban for cheating in destiny. Mods on this forum are not Bungie employees. They will ban you from this forum for naming and shaming but can't ban you from destiny.
I know a couple people that were banned for cheating, they were kicking people out of lobby's for trials victories. Well, all he did was create another account and able to play in the crucible again a few minutes later. But that doesn't solve the problem of people who lagswitch during that game. I don't see how they can't have referee's spectate random matches and issue warnings/bans. I wonder if they even play the game from all the crap this beta game has been going through the last few weeks.
If they banned the lag switchers that still played that pos chore, they would have less players than the small amount remaining. That or they simply don't give a shit. Still smelling your money and wondering how many people they'll scam the next time with the next disappointment. Take your pick.
Edited by bobswerski: 1/19/2016 2:46:04 PMThey do. But it's a lot harder to prove. You can't blame something you put in writing on the forums with your name attached to it to a bad network connection.
Some players might be cheating, some others might be just downloading or having family at home using the Internet too, but most of the time the lag fest is simply due to P2P technology. I mean how can we expect quality with p2p. That's just literally incompatible. Destiny will always be like that, putting the weight on our consoles, instead of on their servers. So some games will be playable, others will turn our attacks into wind, making us die with what looks like a one or two shot on our side but a 20 shot on the attackers side... That's also bungie's way to ensure that everyone can be legend.
Banning a cheater means that network specialists need to do some investigation. Banning the person providing the evidence only takes following the forum account to the console account. Much easier job.