I'm not the type to complain about Trials but Blind Watch is ridiculous. Been playing Trials almost every weekend since May and all the maps have at least some way to flank.
But on this map, if you spawn on Alpha(top side) your advantage goes up much more than it should be. I mean yeah, there'll be teams that will destroy unskilled kids no matter what side but when you're going against a competent team, you're at a major disadvantage if you spawn B.
Reason being, there is ABSOLUTELY no way to flank on this map. Alpha has complete coverage on all sides including middle.
If you disagree, please comment what strategy/flank you used when you've spawn bottom.
EDIT: Also I'm an aggressive player so sitting back while the enemy team generates super is something I'm not comfortable with.
Yup, this maps trash for Trials. I enjoy it for everything else, & I was psyched to hear it was the map. I thought it was gunna be awesome. But if you spawn on bottom, it's hella hard to win against a good team. & regardless of spawns, snipers run this map. Every single way to push forward is a sniper lane, with nasty head glitches & open sight lines. It's miserable to play on. You just have to play hella patiently. Otherwise you get domed hella fast trying to push up. Snipers rule this map. You can't get anywhere trying to run a shotgun against a team of [b]competent[/b] (key word) snipers. Annoying as shit to play against. I play Trials all weekend long usually. But not this weekend. [b]f[/b]uck that. I really did not enjoy my runs this week at all. This map just isn't enjoyable for me.