originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[b]You do a little bit of damage when you kick the fusion core. But your leg feels like you just broke it when you kick him in the face.[/b]
[b]He winds up to throw a mini-nuke at you [/b]
[b]teleports and snatches mini nuke[/b] You will not jeopardize the lives of all these people just to take mine! [b]disarms mini nuke and tosses parts behind[/b]
[spoiler]Huh....[/spoiler] [b]You feel your hands burn with uranium.[/b] [b]He charges up his laser[/b]
Aint this about a.. [b]sprints towards you and hops on back, attempts rewiring[/b]
[b]He quickly bends forward throwing you off[/b] [spoiler]Techy guy eh? You got the right idea with the core[/spoiler]
[b]mumbles[/b] Where the hell are my brothers when i need them... [b]sprints again throwing purple fire balls, teleports onto back and rips half of the cover off[/b]
[b]You successfully do so. But it's so hot it feels like your hands are melting. He goes to grab you[/b]
[b]screams loud as hell[/b] FUUUUUUU CKKKK [b]teleports back to the other side of the room holding hand[/b]
[spoiler]We are outside but OK![/spoiler] [b]He charges his laser[/b]
[spoiler]whoops[/spoiler] [b]gets on knees in a sort of praying position, then as soon as the laser shoots, teleports behind and shoots core a few times[/b]
[b]It does a shit ton of damage. But a gust of hot steam burns your face. Making you fall off the two story giant [/b]
[b]lands on feet just barelly [/b] You lack judgement!
[b]He turns to you and picks you up. Then throws you into the dojos wall[/b]
[b]gets up slowly and eyes start to glow [/b] Okay enough Mr nice guy [b]chucks fireballs at face then teleports behind and throws one big one [/b]
[b]It hits the fusion core. And a sound like a train goes off. Liberty prime turns to you and fires his laser incredibly quick[/b] [b]"WARNING: OVERHEATING."[/b]
SHIIIT [b]dodges almost every shot, one hits my leg and another on my left shoulder [/b] [b]teleports and attempts to shoot back [/b]
[spoiler]Uhhhh... Have you seen Liberty primes laser?[/spoiler] [b]You actually evade it but the blast makes you go flying [/b]
[spoiler]nope lmao [/spoiler] [b]is down[/b]
[b]He charges up his laser again[/b]
[b]sits up[/b] And i thought the cyber iniative created monsters... [b]Teleports out of sight [/b]
[b]he stops charging.[/b] [b]"Scanning for Commie threat"[/b] [spoiler]you know how to beat em now right?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]just guessing he's like every other fallout bot... Aim for the back [/spoiler] [b]teleports onto back and starts shooting core with everything I got[/b]
[b]You do a ton of damage. And an explosion goes off in is back. He grabs you and throws you too the ground. And charges his laser [/b] [b]"DIE C-C-Comm-comm-c-"[/b] [b]He overheats and shuts down.[/b] [b]The dojo gates open for you. And a small skeleton man comes up to you.[/b] [i]"Hey man. Neat job. Welcome here."[/i] [spoiler]Congratulations! Now, just send a request to join the group and your in![/spoiler]
[b]goes to pick up backpack... Just to see its been destroyed [/b] Yea.. Thanks [spoiler]how do I send a request? [/spoiler]
[spoiler]I think you can go to the groups section. Search for a group. Then type in Digital_Dojo. Might be "Digital Dojo."[/spoiler]
[spoiler]none are popping up[/spoiler]