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originally posted in: If you have a 1.0 kdr...
1/19/2016 1:17:02 AM
I think a big confusion here is largely semantic, since there are two ways to calculate an average of ratios... one would result in 1kdr and one would result in higher than 1kdr because higher kdr's skew it more. Dont know why people are calling each others idiots about this. Its just a little paradoxical when you are dealing with ratios. This gets even more confusing since those numbers are usually close with a large sample size since one is skewed by the few extremes. If you are interested, google average of ratios vs ratio of averages. But either way, the more important point, which many immature elitists would talk down on comes from the fact that higher kdr skewa the average more. Meaning that most people are below average. Due to that, the more meaningful question to ask is what is the representative kdr for the average destiny player or the mode of kdrs. My uneducated guess is 0.9-0.95kdr. Most people are just more used to the idea of average so they ask about that even though it doesnt mean what they think it means. [spoiler]if you cant wrap your head around how most people are below average in this specific case, consider trials (or hearthstone arena if you are familiar, since its always 12 max wins and 3 max loses) with all boons and assuming all players finish their cards. You can take 7 wins and give 4 loses max. In theory, an average team will break even giving 4 loses for their 4 wins. A team that goes flawless(top tier team) however, gives a max of 1 lose but takes 7 wins. Thus creating at least 2 below average teams(bottom tier). However, 1 bottom tier team can not create more than 1 top tier team. Thus, statistically most teams are below the 4:4 average. Same applies to kdr but to a lesser extent[/spoiler]

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