[b]Were FN. And trust me, you can't kill us[/b] [i]He sheathes his knife in his leg holster and then gets up[/i] [b]He won't die, and I won't take you in. But if you ever, come after us, I won't give you an easy nightmare[/b] [i]He walks to the exit[/i]
Edited by Jäger: 1/19/2016 5:12:07 AM"I'm not trying to chase the Fireteam, can't any of you morons see that." "I run and hide yet a squad will barge in uninvited." "Oh and believe me, you guys don't scare me. I don't care if you've got all the gadgets and nightmare fuel in the world, you will come to fear me." "And just so we are clear, next time you try to play tricks on my mind, let me take my bagel out of the toaster, it's probably burnt to a crisp."
[i]He stops walking[/i] [b]Oh, you don't understand. I'm the only one who can do that. I don't know the details, I was just sent here. But trust me, if [u]i[/u] ever come even near to fearing you, well I'll give myself a nightmare. Because that won't happen.[/b] [i]He walks two steps and then stops[/i] [b]I took the bagel out, it's a little burnt though. See you later[/b] [i]The bagel sits on the table, a bite taken out of it and it's on fire[/i] [i]He walks out, closing the door but opening it a crack[/i] [b]Names Mercury. Nice to meet you[/b] [i]He closes the door[/i]
"Dick." "Give himself a nightmare, he'll probably just sh!t his pants as say he 'scared' himself." "Doesn't make sense, you can't just give yourself a nightmare, if that's what he means, you gotta be scared of something. Like my 3rd grade teacher, scared me to death." "God these FN members are weird. No wonder they are morons, they think there powers can somehow do then good."