I hope 2016 is filled with less retards and less offended people.
What makes you lose faith?
What makes you gain some faith back?
Something truly positive to me is that today my dad turned 96 and is very healthy. He cant hear very well anymore and drives me nuts sometimes but he is the sweetest father and im glad he is still with me.
Edit 1: *sigh* there is lots of stupidity but I learned a few things from some posts. In the end not everything is absolutely terrible.
1) Bump! 2) Honestly, I gained a bit and lost a bit at the same time. At school I saw two kids (and I mean like strong people) help a kid in a wheelchair up the stairs. Literally one carried her, the other carried the chair. As they got up though, and they walked away with her in the chair, some jackass pushes her to the chair -blam!-ing goes backwards so she's on her back!
1 word.... Tumblr *shudders*
R.I.P Thread
Edgy kids
Ugh all the sudden religion threads. So pointless to attack each other...
*shivers* my 600 pound life
Fractions... What monster created these horrid things?!
People who live with a roof over their head along with 3 meals a day, and think they 'have it tough.' I want to punch them in their throats
People who support Trump make me lose all faith in humanity.
People believing trump is bad
People who support Bernie sanders
Muslim refugees getting free spaces at posh Paris hotels, while veterans sleep outside. Priorities, people.
Religion Vaping Offtopic #Destiny Cringe threads Bleach threads Minecraft fgts Destiny in Offtopic threads Unbelievably levels of stupidity becoming average Underage drinking/drug use to the point you skip school/work to drink/do drugs Girls who don't send nudes Feminazi's "Damn Daniel" Today's "comedy" Undertale fanbase FNAF fanbase Furries Bronies The list continues...
Inequality makes me lose faith. But my friend own a bunny, that things stupidly adorbs
Destiny makes me lose faith in humanity XD
The decision I think about making
The amount of people that have voted for Trump. Jeez guess those guys wanna be in a bankrupt country and dictatorship.
Things that make me lose faith: Religion Modern feminism People doing retarded shit Teenagers Emos Emus JB (BJ) List continues Things that make me gain faith: [b] [b] [/b] [/b]
-blam!-ING IDIOT[spoiler]lol[/spoiler]
People spend more money helping LGBT than using that money to help the sick and less fortunate
Lost faith: When the new generation of morons came around Regained faith: Searched "one" on YouTube, top hit was the Metallica song "One", not 1D
Edited by Mr Gnat: 2/23/2016 7:56:23 AMHillary Clinton continually selling out the us of a. Without prosecution
I've mc fallen
Holy shit how stupid can people get dude ugh. The girl in the pic, just wow.