UPDATE: Thought I'd shed some light on the situation with this song. A user who posted on here joked about it with this song, that was topkek! My friend is still constantly talking about the situation with me, I told her to stop awkwardly getting me involved and handle your shit with him! Okay that's the update. I may have lost a friend because she ain't talking to me. Oh well, she's off my back at least for now.
Okay so my friend and I had a talk about bronies and furries the other night. We laughed and joked around a bit about "if" our men actually confessed to having this urge. She laughed and ended up breaking down into tears. She told me her boyfriend for several weeks has been wanting to do it on all 4s and call her my little pony. I stopped laughing and toned my composure down to seriousness. I told her "he still finds you sexually attractive obviously, maybe in the heat of the moment he called you my little pony. Just like anything when people have sex they say things they don't necessarily mean." Right? Anyways, this was actually affecting there relationship because she refuses to have sex with him again fulfilling this fantasy, because every time they have sex he constantly bends her down on all 4s each time pulling her hair and again calling her my little pony. She tells me the sex is great but than she tells me she wishes he can just shut his mouth when he moans out ugh your my dirty little pony. She was mentioning why couldn't he just had called me his dirty cow girl, something human! I told her maybe you're taking it a little too far by cutting out the sex and looking too deep into this.
My question to you all for both men and woman. Would my friend's boyfriend be considered a brony or just a man in lust with an underlying desire that has nothing to do with my little ponies and all the furry stuff? Thoughts? They been together for 5 years and all of a sudden her boyfriend came out wanting to maybe do something different? To maybe spruce up there sex life? Tbh I'm tired of hearing about this from her and just need to vent out and get some opinions from all of you.
Thought this was offtopic appropriate.
Catch 22, guy's an inconsiderate airhead calling his girl of 5 years a pony, i mean what'll it be next, his dirty little poodle 🐩? If my girl started calling me her dirty little monkey, I'd be like hun... No. And fůck no on top of that. Think of something else. And don't ever call me a monkey during sex again or I'll shave off your eybrows and draw swastıkas and I'll smile and wave as you walk out the door to work. If the girl feels disrespected or uncomfortable, she needs to grow a pair because clearly this dude is oblivious to his own stupidity. So basically he's an out of touch dumbass and she's a coward for not speaking up. So any further cringeworthy sex she has is her own dumbass fault.