People expect me to be mlg pro all the time just because I have the scarab on. If I have a bad game or two don't message me and tell me to take it off because it's a freaking emblem that I earned and wear because it looks cool.
Edit:Comments mostly positive and happy to know you guys don't hatemail.
Edit 2:If you go to my profile you will see all the emblems I like on each character. I only put on the scarab sometimes.
Since I have never had a team capable of going 9-0 (been 6-0 with boons so pretty much 8-0 then lost last 2 TWICE) I do not have a scarab or hic jacet SO... anytime I see someone with those emblems I try my hardest to wreck them in particular. If I see that emblem, you're a target and you will get t-bagged.