Hello and welcome to Mercury Reborn!
*IMPORTANT NOTICE* As our clan continues to grow and more people are signing up for the clan, please understand that your tryout may be a day or two later after you requested it. We are keeping a list and going down it chronologically, but there's only so many people three admins can tryout in one day. So please be understanding as we work through our list. Thanks and happy new year!
[b]About Us[/b]
Mercury Reborn is a PS4 clan that is primarily PvP based. However, that is not to dispute the fact that we also partake in all things PvE. Whether it be Trials of Osiris or a good hard mode Oryx challenge, our clan can do it all. We have a strong player base with reliable and helpful people looking to expand our family. No one in this clan needs to be carried and we plan on keeping it this way. Our ages range from 16 - 20+ with most of our players being in the EST time zone. Mercury Reborn is a clan full of people that like to joke around and have fun while also getting the job done. However, in the same aspect, we are always mature and serious when we need to be.
[b]Who Mercury Reborn Is Looking For[/b]
Being that Mercury Reborn is a mainly a PvP clan, we're looking for players that can hold their own in the Crucible with at least a 1.1 KD. Age doesn't matter to us as long as you're mature and time zone isn't a problem for us either. If you have a good sense of humor with a fun personality, you'll fit in great here!
[b]How Do I Tryout?[/b]
If Mercury Reborn sounds like the clan for you, leave us a comment on this post with your PSN ID attached and/or send us a message on bungie/PSN. The following people you can message for tryouts are: zulu_xx_relapze, ninjaassasin79, and berrycherrybabe.
[b]What Is the Tryout?[/b]
Tryouts are held every weekend until the weekly reset in Trials of Osiris. If you perform well within Trials of Osiris and are able to hold your own, then you're in! It's as simple as that!
[b]Closing Statement[/b]
Thank you for your time and I do hope you'll consider joining Mercury Reborn. Although we are a strong PvP clan, we are also a strong PvE clan as well. This clan is full of reliable people who are always there for you whenever you want to get something done without ever needing to be carried. Most importantly of all, we love a good challenge while also having fun with our clan mates.
Happy holidays and a happy new year to you all!
I love trials and I love the idea of this clan. Sign me up. P.s. I can hold my own, just give me a tryout. Cheers.